Gann Trader


Legendary member
Regardless of what one may think of W.D. Gann...

I've had a demo of something called Gann Trader V3.0.

It looks like something than probably started out on a DOS-box and hasn't really grasped the Windows age just yet.

I'm sufficiently intrigued to find out if a more C21 friendly version exists, but not enough so to work with this DOSy version.

Most of the current sellers of the s/w are only offering this version - and appear to be Oz-based.

Anyone know if a more up-to-date version exists?
There is a program called Hot Trader available from which does various Gann bits and bobs. Not sure if it'd have everything you're after or be sufficiently modern looking but might be worth looking at.

Regardless of what one may think of W.D. Gann...

I've had a demo of something called Gann Trader V3.0.

It looks like something than probably started out on a DOS-box and hasn't really grasped the Windows age just yet.

I'm sufficiently intrigued to find out if a more C21 friendly version exists, but not enough so to work with this DOSy version.

Most of the current sellers of the s/w are only offering this version - and appear to be Oz-based.

Anyone know if a more up-to-date version exists?

The Dossy version is 3.1 latest. Some other programs in the same league are GannAnalyst Professional. BTW, does anyone have the manual for Ganntrader? I did not find it anywhere so far.


Regardless of what one may think of W.D. Gann...

I've had a demo of something called Gann Trader V3.0.

It looks like something than probably started out on a DOS-box and hasn't really grasped the Windows age just yet.

I'm sufficiently intrigued to find out if a more C21 friendly version exists, but not enough so to work with this DOSy version.

Most of the current sellers of the s/w are only offering this version - and appear to be Oz-based.

Anyone know if a more up-to-date version exists?

Here you go! It's free - Gannalyst Professional 5.0

Gannalyst - Gann Analysis and Charting Software


Thought it looked too good to be true

Looks like data may be a prob (you have to subscribe!) though could use history csv files

Good Gann stuff here as an alternative - don't let the web address mislead - it's excellent source Trading Forum / Gann, Bayer, Jenkins, Hurst & other authors.
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Erm, this thread was bumped by a newbie to a post I made almost 5 years ago...

I got over it.
I have a copy of GannTrader V3.1 (the DOSy one.)
Is there a way to run it in a seperate window? It currently runs a copy on all of my monitors - very annoying....


hello dear,
i have gann trader 3.1 . if u want then just mail me, i will give you download link
but i dont have manual of it. if u have manual of any version then please mail me, i need that eagerly
my email id is
vldave4 ( at )