..I heard $6K per month...
It is 6K for 3 months.It IS very expensive although they give you 3 months of classes.
2 hours per day,4 times a week.
I am not big fan of this "we will teach you how to trade via internet" stuff.
But the fact is that Sam is hot shot.He got respectable CV.
Lately i am trying to trade based on what he is teaching-supply and demand.For now i am around break-even.
The fact is that i am using this method for only two weeks.So it is not so bad to be at break-even at the time.And,yes,it is too early for any judgement of method.I guess that whit more experience i can do much better.
But at the other hand,i have thought that i maybe could join his classroom.
Although i think that i could improve in performance of this method whit time i guess that i could improve much,much faster under his guidance.
As i am interested to learn this specific method that he is teaching,i think that i could have much faster learning curve that one i would have if i do it on mine own.
So the trick is that content of mine interest and content of what he is teaching in FX XLT classroom are the same.
Yes,there are articles and webinars that he did and i have them all on mine hard drive.
But the fact is that he probably would never give away for free all the stuff that he is teaching in this classroom.