Futex live calls and daily webinars

Still in the same trade as yesterday with regards to the Bund, can move stop to break even now so no risk whatever on this one. Decent volume done on the inside day break so looks promising...let this one run see what happens.

PMI's tomorrow could be interesting

Decided to stop posting on here, it's far too slow compared with Twitter. We post far more and interact in greater detail with our followers on Twitter than we do on T2W. Like I have said in previous posts if you are a new trader or even a home trader and you are not utilizing the power of Twitter to help you improve your trading then you are behind the curve. Download Tweet deck for free off Google and it will stream your tweets for you down the side of your trading screen.

If you are a regular on this thread then come and join us @Futex_Live and we can interact in a much faster/more efficient manner.

