Fund of fund (constructive criticism please)


Junior member
Hi everybody, I would really appreciate some comments on this website and the business idea itself. We have just set up a small unregulated fund-of-fund with some off-shore big hitters. It would be great to get some feedback and whether it is a thumbs up or not.

Many thanks.

Hows that for constructive criticism.

Get licensed, get legit, and get a better looking website. Before you even attempt to post this crap again.
Very well, it is a free world and I respect your comments. Just to point out, Lehman was registered, legit and had a $100K website.
given the madoff thing do you think a start-up fund of funds is going to be trusted, especially unregulated offshore....
well for the sake of 1000 USD. For allot of people that is throw away money. Secondly if you study the Madoff case, you could smell that a mile off, and Madoff was a hedge fund no a fund of fund. But my point is the day a hedge fund is its one prime broker, you know things are just plain wrong. Madoff was not about deceiving people, it was about knowing the right people in high places and greed that was impossible to satisfy. He cleaned up and anybody who agreed to his terms after doing their "dudiligence " has got nobody to blame themselves. The funds we invest in have made incredible returns and they have offered to accommodate clients to review their accounts and visit their offices. I dont think it is the most appropriate time to raise finance, but this is just for people who are interested, or acquainted with current investors.
well if it could be seen a mile off he managed to dupe some big fish. and i am fully aware of madoff not being a fund of funds but this is what he used to filter money into his account.

it could be just as easy to say funds with incredible returns aren't to be trusted.
well for the sake of 1000 USD. For allot of people that is throw away money. Secondly if you study the Madoff case, you could smell that a mile off, and Madoff was a hedge fund no a fund of fund. But my point is the day a hedge fund is its one prime broker, you know things are just plain wrong. Madoff was not about deceiving people, it was about knowing the right people in high places and greed that was impossible to satisfy. He cleaned up and anybody who agreed to his terms after doing their "dudiligence " has got nobody to blame themselves. The funds we invest in have made incredible returns and they have offered to accommodate clients to review their accounts and visit their offices. I dont think it is the most appropriate time to raise finance, but this is just for people who are interested, or acquainted with current investors.

What about the Few hundred of MIDDLE-MEN that claimed diversified investments (FOF) that were trusted with offices. They cahrged 3/30 and just dumped all their money with Madoff. Middle Men should be Shot!
oh I agree, above average returns should be taken with caution, but consider this Madoff was on the advisory board of the SEC. who would not trust him. And for all those fund of funds who invested with him. I am not passing judgement on anybody, but if anybody did their dudiligence they would have known. Again I feel sorry for people who lost their money with Madoff, but there were 100s of rookie mistakes made form people who called themselves industry professionals. This FOF is only to offer some diversification. Any decision made to invest 100% of assets in one firm, fund or account is a foolish one.
Operated out of a flat in tower hamlets?

Lucian.M.S operates on an international level, therefore; we are bound by international rules regulations and law.
So UK law does not apply to you then?

Your use of language is like 419 nigerian scammers.

Some investments fluctuate in value on a monthly basis and without a sufficient holding period, there will be no reason to invest in the first place.
Slapped wrists duly noted.

Please note; international transfer periods are beyond our control and we ask you to allow up to 10 business days for the funds to show in your account.
.... you can disappear a very long way away in 10 days.
well if it could be seen a mile off he managed to dupe some big fish.

This is something I don't get either, most of the people I knew smelt something, I thought everyone knew that returns that consistent were always dodgy?

I don't know much about it though.
Absolutely, we have to start from somewhere.
and Uk law applies just as much as any other country's law.

Operated out of a flat in tower hamlets?

So UK law does not apply to you then?

Your use of language is like 419 nigerian scammers.

Slapped wrists duly noted.

.... you can disappear a very long way away in 10 days.