FTSE futures Dax futures


Junior member
Could someone please answer the following need this information rather quickly if possible.

What margin is required to trade the dax futures intra day and overnight.

What margin is required to trade the ftse futures intra day and overnight.

What sort of daily ranges does the dax future have.

What sort of daily ranges does the ftse future have.

Which has more liquidity.

Which would you sooner trade and why.

Which in your opinion is easier to trade.

Thank you.
Hello Indextrader

If you are asking these question,personally I don't think you are ready to trade the DAX or FTSE index futures.

That's the best advice I could give you.

If you must.Intraday margin for the Dax intraday is around EUR 2000 .....overnight EUR 8000
sun 123

this Indextrader100 needs help. real help. or he will turn out to be a reseller of a Black Box.
2 min deadline. pay 6000 and ill tell u. remember.