friendly options


Experienced member
I have a blind friend who's very interested in trading U.K share options. He's a qualified accountant and it's the strategizing that appeals to him. Could anyone suggest any books, websites etc? Any feedback would be gratefully appreciated!
please don't take this response in the wrong way, but as an interesting aside there is a gentleman running Sucden's private client brokerage who is blind and he has been active in the futures and options market for many years... pretty inspirational and humbling stuff. I believe he may has received some press coverage, sorry can't offer more constructive help
Halo and Oatman

Thanks for the info and the 'phone number--Any and all is welcome! I gave Mr. Freeman a ring and he's happy to chat to John. But before joining a broker, any basic info anyone can provide is still welcome.
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I lost my life savings (net worth) with ODL securities and Frank Freeman on an advisory basis in 5 months. I invested £71,500 and was left with just £900. I was commissioned over £32,400.

The case has now gone to the Ombudsman for arbitration.

If you want to know more email on: [email protected]
I have a blind friend who's very interested in trading U.K share options. He's a qualified accountant and it's the strategizing that appeals to him. Could anyone suggest any books, websites etc? Any feedback would be gratefully appreciated!

There has been a book around for a long time called Trading in Options by Geoffrey Chamberlain. It is an excellent basic book on options. I am not sure what issue is the latest.

It seems the latest edition is 3rd Rev.(1990) which is a shame because it is such a good book and it is UK orintated as well! I suppose there isn't a lot that could be out of date (is there?). If you do order it you could go through Shareworld's Amazon link.
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The best website for options, I think, is That's the options clearing council. Loads of info and you can call them and ask questions.
I wouldn't say so. The Maths required to read this book is probably A level. It is a lot simpler than Hull - futures and options. Nattenberg starts off by simple P&L graphs and explaining the normal distribution. It is by far the best book for understanding options.

It is written by an American, but it is in UK print (e.g. you can order it from amazon uk no probs)
I wouldn't say so. The Maths required to read this book is probably A level. It is a lot simpler than Hull - futures and options. Nattenberg starts off by simple P&L graphs and explaining the normal distribution. It is by far the best book for understanding options.

It is written by an American, but it is in UK print (e.g. you can order it from amazon uk no probs)
Does it use US stock options as examples and refer to US$? (Does it matter?)
Would you like to write a little review for my website (Shareworld) ? I don't know what I can offer you in return, maybe an investment calendar?