Forex Trading Robots!

Any expert opinions on this?
There are lots & lots of sites offering this and I've heard from friends they offer 5-15% return.
How legit this is? any recommendations? is there a science behind it?
My experience of EAs is that they are good until they are not. Was my nudge to spend less time trying to clean up the mess my account was in with an EA and more just learning to trade manually.
I run my own robots and robots works good but Robots are not put and forget tool.
Check with the website if you can get some free trial of the robot before you buy / rent it

They are great when they are going well, but they are only as good as the strategy and instructions they are given. So you better understand it well and account for the fact that one strategy can not suit all market conditions
They are great when they are going well, but they are only as good as the strategy and instructions they are given. So you better understand it well and account for the fact that one strategy can not suit all market conditions
Some EA's are copier of masters accounts.
So you can follow how history have been for the main account.
Running EA on different brokers gives different results. Try to get how the EA run on your broker.
I'm no expert but I stay away from these, heard too many stories and one of my online friends lost a lot of money to one.
If someone has auto traders making consistent returns why would he or she be after a few pounds from you and me? They will go to Goldman and get millions for their robot.
I'm no expert but I stay away from these, heard too many stories and one of my online friends lost a lot of money to one.
Robots or EAs may double the trouble when the markets are highly volatile and you aren't any coder because they are coded to follow the technical analysis so they might require monitoring when the markets are volatile.
Yup the EAs can seriously double the trouble too so why not trusting at our own manual trading skill and placing the limit orders with proper stop loss and take profits. Rest if you have a specific strategy coded into EA then you can use it as well.
Those who still willing to invest in EA and want their strategy coded into EA should also take sometime taking know how about coding as well.
Robots sometimes work for a short period of time, and you need to change the code again and again. basically you need to know how to program, manual trading much better because the bots can not read the market intention.

Maybe one of the advantages of trading with robots is without emotional intervention. It works based on an algorithm. I've tried several trading robots, they seemed good at first but over time they used up trading capital. Maybe before buying a trading robot, it would be a good idea to track how many years the robot has been running. If the graph goes up from year to year, that might be good.