Forex T/A software recommendations?!


Hiya, I'm looking to use technical analysis in the Forex markets and need to keep my analysis permanently on my charts to look at off-line. I don't need to have a direct broker access from the charts as I prefer to trade off broker prices and not their charts. I presently use Sharescope Plus, which is very good, but since I'm only using a fraction of it's functions £40 a month is a bit steep.
Any advice?(y)

Hiya, I'm looking to use technical analysis in the Forex markets and need to keep my analysis permanently on my charts to look at off-line. I don't need to have a direct broker access from the charts as I prefer to trade off broker prices and not their charts. I presently use Sharescope Plus, which is very good, but since I'm only using a fraction of it's functions £40 a month is a bit steep.
Any advice?(y)

IG have Proreal Charts, (which you must request as an add on) that are good and free if you trade at least 4 times each month. Otherwise they charge £30 p.m. They don't mind how long the trade is open for etc. So could be very inexpensive to satisfy that requirement.
Otherwise, there's loads of Demo accounts you could open up!
I think an Automated Trading System would be a better option for you. You can save your charts in the software and also the system will trade on your behalf. You just need to set the strategy of your trading and rest all the work in done by the system.