For Sale: StrategyQuant X Ultimate Lifetime License - 65.68% Off!

This is a complete package that allows you to create winning algo strategies.

It's a lifetime license, so once you acquire it you have everything for life.

It contains:
- the StrategyQuantX software - generates new unique strategies
- the Algo Wizard software - drag and drop strategy editor with backtesting
- Quant Analyzer Pro - analyzes trading results/backtests with Monte Carlo simulation and portfolio builder
- Lifetime Full Data Subscription - EOD data for forex, futures, equities, crypto.
- MyMT4Book license - puts all of your live trading results on one screen.
- Autotrading Academy - detailed step-by-step online course that teaches you how to build your own profitable trading strategies.
- Unlimited support and upgrades. Includes an active forum with serious algo traders giving feedback. Support is excellent.

You need to run the software on a VPS, which is not included.

I'm selling solely due to time constraints related to my main business. This is an awesome array of tools but I just don't have the time to seriously take it on.

If you have designs on being an algo trader this will be nirvana for you.

To get more complete info about it take a look at .

I paid €2900 for it. The package currently sells for $2,900.

I'm selling it for $995 USD (which is a 65.68% discount). There is also a $300 transfer fee.

If interested, please message me.
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Current BF price is $2290 for the Ultimate version, which I presume is what you have, right? How does the transfer work?