*For Sale: Half-price Brand New Trading Books


Hi all,

Ive accumulated a few books over the past year or two, and now dont really have much space - as such im looking to sell the following books:

-Market Wizards: Interviews with TopTraders (Jack Schwager) £5

-The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders
(Jack Schwager 1992) £5

-Stock Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top StockTraders
(Jack Schwager 2001) £5

-Way of the Turtle (Curtis Faith) £6

-Den of Thieves (James B Stewart) £3- Pulitzer Prize Winner all about Drexel Burnham Lambert / Mike Milken and massive insider-trading in the 80s

-Markets in Profile: Profiting from the auction process (Dalton, Dalton, Jones) £18

-Applying Elliot Wave Theory Profitably (Steven Poser) £20

-Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street's Champion DayTrader (Martin "Buzzy Schwartz) £7

-Rogue Trader (Nick Leeson) £3

They're basically all half the price I could find them on amazon for, most in practically brand new condition, pls PM me if your interested - discount if you take the whole lot! =)

Pack them up and send them to Gordon Brown - the man who was so clever he sold off our gold reserves at the bottom of the market. Then graduated after much practice to ruining an entire nation for two generations. He needs those books. Or better still a bucket full of cyanide pills.
How good could these books be if you are in need of the money you'll get for selling them ?