FLOORED-Episode 1

didn't realise so many of them were just scalping. i thought it was all about buying into the rallies and selling all the way back down again.

Some classic lines in there. "Logarithms, algorithms, monkey rhythms, it's all bull****!"

I don't like the distribution method they've got. I want to buy the dvd for my dad to watch but you can only get this super clever encrypted locked download which you can watch once if you buy a code for it.
just watched all the video, great .. apparently some floor trader couldnt cope with new electronic trading. and these days the market behavior may have changed compare 80s - 90s, everyone access the same thing in a time.. probably mean less advantage can be taken?
Yeah, these guys really were providing liquidity. The voice-over said, the local traders came into being because they were needed to provide liquidity, because sometimes outside the exchange in the real world, there were times when everyone just wanted to sell or just wanted to buy.

But then interestingly, it said that these locals can't operate the same way electronically, because the exchange computer is so good at matching up bids and offers, and the process didn't need them anymore.

I guess it reaches a tipping point when the electronic exchange has enough liquidity from the likes of ourselves, and the pit traders are suddenly redundant.
Elsewhere people complain that they can't make money knitting jumpers like they used to. Those bloody loom mills! And as for that electrickery...

Raschke summed it up perfectly.
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Yes, and Raschke adapted perfectly well to electronic trading didn't she, after having started out as a floor trader herself initially, same goes for Paul Tudor Jones, etc etc.

Most stuff really is in the head and depends on how much you really want something.
The guy at the end arguing... what was his point? Does he think everyone will say, "Ok, let's go back to the '80s for you." If he doesn't like it, his only option is to retire.
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The guy at the end arguing... what was his point? Does he think everyone will say, "Ok, let's go back to the '80s for you." If he doesn't like it, his only option is to retire.

He is stuck solidly in a negative paradigm and so creating a future of failure. Like the electronic trader says, eventually the cattle market will be electronic. Pretty good example of a limiting belief (cattle trader).
He is stuck solidly in a negative paradigm and so creating a future of failure. Like the electronic trader says, eventually the cattle market will be electronic. Pretty good example of a limiting belief (cattle trader).

He has a beef with cattle.

Dunno really, maybe because imo he came over a bit overly excitable in his video, probably not quite the suave, self-confident image of the über-trader totally in control and hence able to play it lightly he would like to convey, and probably actually is these days.


Perhaps an even bigger question is why he allowed it to be filmed in the first place; quite intrusive I would have thought. That was probably fairly early days for "reality TV" wasn't it?