

any issue/problem with CI?
Yes I have had issues before with Cityindex. That was before they changed their execution model. Hopefully they will not play that game against me if I decide to start trade seriously with Finspreads.
Well actually I ment a predifine stop loss order in points. I do not like to fiddle around with figures. Not like today for instance, when there was a mini flash crash in the US. Manually entering the stop loss gives also room for error, have happened to me previously.

I must be getting old, but I, still, have not figured out what it is that you are looking for. Never mind, as long as the rest understand it. I put a stop whereever I want and have no trouble with Fins on that score.

Good trading.
I must be getting old, but I, still, have not figured out what it is that you are looking for. Never mind, as long as the rest understand it. I put a stop whereever I want and have no trouble with Fins on that score.

Good trading.
Sorry Splitlink for being unclear about this matter, if I put it this way, I would like to enter a certain number of points/pips in distance away from the entery level. However, glad to say that Cityindex have now solved this issue for me with the Advantage Trader platform.