Financial IQ - Mines 85, perhaps I need more education!

I think it's a load of bollox. But here it is:

Your Financial IQ is: 101

This score is just like a "normal" IQ in the sense that a score of 100 means that you are typical, higher scores are above average and lower scores below.

The score is computed from three components detailed below.

Rational Risk Taking
Your Rational Risk Taking score is: 115.2
This score also has an average value of 100 and details how you well you are able to take the potential benefits into account when you consider taking a financial risk. Your score means that you are better than most people at looking beyond the risk in a situation to the potential rewards and have the boldness to take the risk when you feel that the rewards justify it.

Resistance to Gambling
Your Resistance to Gambling score is: 105
Again this score has an average value of 100 and details if you can avoid thinking like a gambler when it comes to financial decisions. A gambling tendency is to get excited about the risk itself rather than considering the risk and reward on their merits. Your score means that you get less excited than most people about taking financial risks. Because of this you may find it easier to be objective when you are considering a finanacial risk.

Rational Risk Avoidance
Your Rational Risk Avoidance score is: 82.8
As a sort of mirror image to the first component, this score shows how well you can take the risk into account when considering a very appealing possible reward. Your score means you might find it a bit harder than most to properly consider the risk when you think the potential rewards are really good.
took the test 4d lulz. total IQ of 107.8, 131.7 for rational risk taking, resistance to gambling 105, risk avoidance 86.6.

I really wouldnt consider myself a gambler, I've never spent a penny in a casino, or backed a horse, or wagered money on a game of chance.
Doesn't look like you are a gambler - almost as bad at risk avoiding as me though. Good score on the bold risk taking thingy!
Your Financial IQ is: 107.1
Your Rational Risk Taking score is: 116.5
Your Resistance to Gambling score is: 105
Your Rational Risk Avoidance score is: 99.8

Thanks for the link.