Final Events of Bible Prophecy

Get answers my ar*se. It should be called "get religion".

On topics ranging from aliens to mamoths to radioactive dating, there is a single purpose - to push some fundamentalist religious views.

But never mind, the diligent student will come away with "answers" to ... almost everything. And to think that such enlightenment can be achieved with next to no effort at all !

No different to what you're pushing... Religion is heart warming. Science is cold and abstract. Based on assumptions which are not verified. I mean look at black holes and big bang theory? About as plausible as ... as ... :rolleyes: got me there ... :cheesy: Nothing... :LOL:

I concur with the diligent student bit... We live in hope...
Beauty of Maths!

You can just about get any pattern with any number:!:

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Who feels peace calm and tranquility reflecting on these numbers... :|
No different to what you're pushing... Religion is heart warming. Science is cold and abstract. Based on assumptions which are not verified. I mean look at black holes and big bang theory? About as plausible as ... as ... :rolleyes: got me there ... :cheesy: Nothing... :LOL:

I concur with the diligent student bit... We live in hope...

It is very different to what I am saying - I'm not pushing anything at all. What fundamentalism does is attempt to promote a closed system of thinking where all human knowledge is subsumed to the single religious goal. It's logical endpoint is "Burn the heretic". The last thing fundamentalists want is to promote original and critical thinking. All intellectual endeavor must be bent to the religious objective.

The web site exemplifies this - proclaiming to have the "answers" to almost everything. If this isn't fundamentalism, I don't know what is.
I mean look at black holes and big bang theory? About as plausible as ... as ... :rolleyes: got me there ... :cheesy: Nothing... :LOL:

Plausible ? Who can say. What is abundantly clear is that modern physics for a century has been littered with "implausible" theories. Quantum mechanics for example views electrons as both a wave and a particle. Sounds pretty implausible and just as implausible as black holes. How can an object be both a wave and a particle ? But these theories make falsifiable predictions and importantly they work - no quantum mechanics, no semiconductors, no internet etc etc.

It seems the universe is a very strange place indeed, and common sense a very blunt tool for understanding it.
It is very different to what I am saying - I'm not pushing anything at all. What fundamentalism does is attempt to promote a closed system of thinking where all human knowledge is subsumed to the single religious goal. It's logical endpoint is "Burn the heretic". The last thing fundamentalists want is to promote original and critical thinking. All intellectual endeavor must be bent to the religious objective.

The web site exemplifies this - proclaiming to have the "answers" to almost everything. If this isn't fundamentalism, I don't know what is.

I hear you dcraig and I do agree but on the other side of the coin there is science thinking faith and morality can be forgotten and anything is achievable and the vanity of man takes over. For example choosing the sex of ones baby. Having sex changes. Human cloning so we can live forever. The mind boggles. Gay couples having children.

I may get pasted by PC bodies here but I'm not convinced science has the answers. On the contrary to a large extent leads people astray.

In our pursuit of worldly gains we forget the meaning of life. For example children aren't interested in toys or games. They much further interact with their parents but instead get hooked up onto computers instead. Science, information technology, our way of life, cars, cosmopolitan cities design to work and produce and exploit other people of the world and all it's resources just about most things are heading towards the physical and scientific apirations of knowledge and further gain and people are becoming more isolated lost and individual. There is no goodwill or wish to help fellow man but to step on him to get ahead.

I did pass my A level Physics exam back in 82 with a grade B and would say I was fairly scientific but never felt the answer in science explained it all. I also do not think religion contradicts science or vice er versa.

I do think people mix up religious leaders with religion. Not the same thing at all. Just as we have bad political leaders we have bad religious leaders. No one wants to ban democracy because of corrupt politicians do they?

What ever that creative force or being or reason was I simply refer to it as God and that serves me well if I may say so. I'm happy to search for God in spiritual, physical or scientific form. What ever it takes.

Their is a unifying force or reason to it all. I'm sure we'll get there.

Festive greetings and good wishes to you all. :)

Isn’t the term “falsifiable” somewhat over-used, out-of-date, and only had a short run/limited acceptance by a small section the scientific community (and ironically, French intellectuals) anyway? Further, it's original target was political science, ie Marxism, not natural science.

Isn’t it more appropriate to say, verifiable, can be replicated, etc. No Popperian reactionary bs here.


Grade B in ’82 is equivalent to a PhD in current terms. Career in surgery? 3 month NVQ.


Isn’t it more appropriate to say, verifiable, can be replicated, etc. No Popperian reactionary bs here.

Unless I miss my guess, I'm with dcraig1on this - in a nutshell: a hypothesis stands until it can be rejected? Basically, this is how science proceeds - if you get my drift? :)

Anyway, don’t let's become too grounded about this - here’s video for you to enjoy from today’s Telegraph: Death star 'could be wiping out alien life' - Telegraph



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I'm not religious per se, but i am spiritual, and do believe there's something out there :p:whistle:heart::LOL:.
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I'm not religious per se, but i am spiritual, and do believe there's something out there. :LOL:.

..still rattling around is it:cheesy:

Seriously the end of the world is nigh and this time it's for real.

Get your diaries out everybody...

December 21st 2012

In 2012 we are due for a flip of the Sun's magnetic field - an event once in 5000 years
predicted in the Mayan calendar called the Great Cycle which began in 3114 BC and ending December 21st 2012

There are an increasing number of web sites dedicated specifically to this date

Also the synchronisation of the end of the sunspot cycle, the alignment of the Sun, Earth and Moon and the Earth's North magnetic pole pointing to the Sun
hasn't occurred for 65 million years apparently.
Beyond 2012 page 1

.....December 20th - I'm having a big party.:clap:
Isn't that when the last bunch of dinosaurs disappeared?

That's correct.

We'll be wiped out this time and the dinos will return. Fair's fair....

Solar physicists have been waiting for the appearance of a reversed-polarity sunspot to signal the start of the next solar cycle. The wait is over. A magnetically reversed, high-latitude sunspot emerged today. This marks the beginning of Solar Cycle 24 and the first step toward a new solar maximum. Intense solar activity won't begin right away. Solar cycles usually take a few years to build from solar minimum (where we are now) to Solar Max (expected in 2011 or 2012). It's a slow journey, but we're on our way!

Visit -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids for pictures of the new sunspot and updates.
It is said, that 2012 will cause a massive impact on the consciousness of the planet. This offers a potential for a huge shift in consciousness. Everyone has a chance to heal their emotions and thoughts now to the build up to 2012. Individually and collectively there has never been such an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Lets face it, most humans try to beat the Jones next door, or when driving their Merc or BMW they'll look down on the Ford Mondeo driver. They'll look down on those who claim benifts and not knowing the full story to why these pepole claim. They judge people who come in to our country not knowing the full story to why they come here, and who are we to say they should not. Who are we to say this is our country. It should be a free world, but the majority of people tend to be selfish.

How many times have you seen a car broken down and drive past, how many times have you walked past a beggar on the street and not given spare change. How many times have you knocked on a door of an old person, tp ask how they are or to give them your number if they need anything.

Maybe we all need some spiritual growth. Somthing to ponder over.
Seriously the end of the world is nigh and this time it's for real.

Get your diaries out everybody...

December 21st 2012

In 2012 we are due for a flip of the Sun's magnetic field - an event once in 5000 years

Wouldn't miss it for the world :clap::p