Females make better traders ?

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Legendary member
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a thingy, and
only enough blood to run one at a time."
Robin Williams.

😀 😱
Do men need brains? I suspect evolution will gradually solve the current dilemma 🙂
Helenqu said:
Do men need brains? I suspect evolution will gradually solve the current dilemma 🙂

it has, it created women to be our slaves 😆
Suggy - I would duck if I was you before Helen throws something at you :-0 😉

Women do make better traders, more patience greater concentration, no big egos.

Trading is another one of those industries where generally women are better, but its still male dominated. Like cooking, women are better cooks but the best chefs are men (Jamie Oliver excluded because he's a big girls blouse)
A super rich woman who will keep me in trading and fast cars :cheesy:

Isn't that what every man whats??

I was actually trying to make a serious point - I obviously failed 🙁
"because he's a big girls blouse"

Sounds a bit sexist ;-)

Mind you isn't it interesting how the vast majority of both men and women automatically feel comfortable taking on traditional gender roles however much they regard themselves as being liberated from the straightjacket of archetypes?
There's a wonderful new feature on T2W which underlines words like liquidity, volume, bid, and offer so that you can "click" the word and get the definition from the T2W glossary.

I propose T2W also underline exclusively British words/phrases and provide a glossary of real English so that we Yanks can understand such effusive terms as "he's a big girl's blouse."

Thanking you in advance.
Hi Helen,

Ah, thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, doesn't help me much as those terms aren't underlined either.
Suggy - I would duck if I was you before Helen throws something at you :-0 😉

Women do make better traders, more patience greater concentration, no big egos.

Trading is another one of those industries where generally women are better, but its still male dominated. Like cooking, women are better cooks but the best chefs are men (Jamie Oliver excluded because he's a big girls blouse)

How do you work that one out. All women try to multi task which they are supposedly better than men at. The reason for that is men don't try to and prefer to focus on the task in hand.
I think girls have the one big advantage that they don't let their ego get involved in the individual trade quite as much as most men do.

An Analysis of the Profiles and Motivations of Habitual Commodity Speculators

The focus of this study is the habitual speculator in commodity futures markets.
Responses to a 73 question survey were collected directly from retail commodity brokers with offices in Alabama. Each questionnaire recorded information on an individual commodity client who had traded for an extended period of time.

The typical trader studied is a married, white male, age 52. He is affluent and well educated. He is a self-employed business owner who can recover from financial setbacks. He is a politically right wing conservative involved in the political process. He assumes a good deal of risk in most phases of his life. He is both an aggressive investor and an active gambler. This trader does not consider preservation of his commodity capital to be a very high trading priority. As a result, he rarely uses stop loss orders. He wins more frequently than he loses (over 51% of the time) but is an overall net loser in dollar terms. In spite of recurring trading losses, he has never made any substantial change in his basic trading style. To this trader, whether he won or lost on a particular trade is more important than the size of the win or loss. Thus he consistently cuts his profits short while letting his losses run. He also worries more about missing a move in the market by being on the sidelines than about losing by being on the wrong side of a market move; i.e., being in the action is more important than the financial consequences.

An Analysis of the Profiles and Motivations of Habitual Commodity Speculators

Now we all know the majority of traders are net losers, and the majority it turns out are men.


A girl by contrast who doesn't have her ego tied up in the individual trade like guys, who doesn't feel a need to be "right" on individual trades to prove something to herself, will focus far more on what is far more important, the long term bottom line which doesn't have to do anything much with winning percentages, net profitability, and let go of the individual trade as the meaningless drop in the bucket it is compared with the ocean of future potential trades.
Thanks Martinghoul & BSD for those interesting links 🙂

WARNING: the next is a little bit long but I think it offers an interesting explanation to the question of this post.

I remember reading a report, several years ago, which said that women in general were more conservative when it comes to risk money.

Probably who wrote that didn't met to my friend's girlfriend, expending 500euros in a pair of shoes that she really didn't need.

Anyway, as we can read in the doc provided by Martinghoul, men tend to be overconfident.

Let's think just a little bit.
If you have a look at a playground, with kids playing there, you'll observe a curious phenomena.
Boys play noisy games, based in brute force and phisical ability, while girls play sitting down in a circle.

Let's look more carefully.
Boys are totally focused in a goal. They HAVE TO BE the fastest, strongest or more skillful in order to achieve their goals and eventually get social recognition.
Moreover, they don't need to talk too much, they communicate with grumbles and growls, and even striking each other.
They don't need to make long terms plans, just to take very fast short-term decisions.

Let's take a look to those boring girls... they are not playing. No fighting. Nothing seems to happen.

If you believe this, then you don't have the foggiest idea about how the world is.

In their small world, the little girls are fighting a much more subtle battle. They won't strike each other or compete in a phisical way. How they achieve their goals and social recognition?

Communicating. Talking. Chatting. Observing each other and having an overall vision of the situation.

In boy's reign, you will be punished with a kick, punch or whatever. In girl's reign the punishment for not achieving your goals will be other. The group will stop talking to you, and you will be relegated to oblivion. A much more severe penalty.

So... girls need to collect information, evaluate the situation and very carefully make long-term plans.

When all they grow up, everything will be the same. Boys need to collect girlfriends, money and success. Never is enough. They must be confident. If they are not, they should pretend to be. Boys can't show weakness or fear.

Girls are allowed to stop and cry whenever they need. And nobody expects anything outstanding from them.

This has been like this for many centuries. Nowadaysit is different, but you can't wipe out thousands of years in just two decades.

Now... just transfer this social situation into trading.

D'you get the idea?
To say women make better traders is a bit pointless. Trading is just like other specialties. It requires a mix of passion, intelligence, dedication, concentration and a host of other things, just like academic subjects, and a multitude of other skills in life.

It is well known that average woman is better than the average man, at most of these specialties, however the tail is filled by men. In other words, jokes aside, an average woman driver might be better/safer than an average man, but the formula 1 drivers will all be men. An average woman might be a better cook, but the michelin star chefs are nearly all men. At GCSE or A-levels the average girl might be better than the average man at most subjects, but go and look at some universities and you'll see the departments, particularly those that require extreme concentration and intelligence (physics, maths etc) are dominated by males.

So yeah, an average woman probably is better than an average man starting out in trading. But I bet you'll find as with the other specialities, that the top end of traders, the real superstars and market wizards are 90% men.