Expert Adviser builders


Legendary member
Currently using alerts to trigger trades.

Are there any expert adviser builders out there?
I am more comfortable using Metatrader, however am willing to explore other platforms.

I really like to understand whats going on under the bonnet, so dont want developers offering an .ex4.
Would like to learn about any courses about expert adviser builders.

im no techie unfortunately T, i used to be ok but those days are long gone.....i go to the big IT contractor sites now for any programming i need ......unless you are looking at a serious system there’s a lot,of mt4 programmers around that will charge $1-200 dollars tops to programme .....make it clear about the format you require though.....and if they deliver in ex4 insist on them providing it in mt4 format as well

You say you use MT4, so you should have found their site under the market tab ?
They have so many - 1000s.

I have a contact to build my ideas into working EAs. If you are interested I could contact him to see if he is also interested.

I did make a start some years ago at programming MT4 but soon got stuck with no one to ask and ……...gave up.

I did suggest to Sharkey that he might get someone to host a forum on his new site and guide us dummies through the complexities.

This is the future of trading, so let's get with it...…….
Yes, the MT4 Codebase is really good. I can program the odd indicator and alert.

But the Codebase stuff lacks any documentation, so wouldnt trust it as an EA, as there have to a whole load of checks and balances to consider, like, about how much is risked, stop-losses, and also to know the total amount of risk across multiple trades.

Will probably spec up something, and get someone to specifically build one for me.

Good idea about a T2W-resident MT4 guy.