Excel Spreadsheets for DMI and P&F

Talking of Point & Figure Excel Spreadsheets. I came across a program called XLChartPro today @ http://members.iinet.net.au/~novaweb/

Have posted some of the blurb below, wonder how it compares to Helen's spreadsheet? You can get a fully functional version provided for a trial period of 20 days and its $39 to buy.



Produce Point and Figure Charts in Excel using your data from Metastock, Ezycharts or text format.

Harness the power of Excel to customise your charts using the easy to use XLChartPro interface.

XLChartPro has more features than most EXPENSIVE charting packages, for a fraction of the cost.

Comes with an Internet Downloader.

Configurable reversals, boxsize and scaling, zoom