What makes you say 1.41607 is an important support level? It's found very strong support in the zone of 1.38 but above that there is nothing clear cut for me..o baby! just sold NZDUSD !!!!!!!- p.s. i will only sell if it cracks some good support, otherwise i won't touch it, just watch it and wait
some good divergence, perfect sideways price action, just wait for an important support level to crack ( around 1.41607) and it should be a good sell IMO
If it was a sell then, it's an even better time to sell now and if it keeps going up it's an even better sell if you think it's falling
Looks like the sell call came good, have I missed some news, seems like quite a sell off happening.
Oh dear. Looks like you should follow up some of the teachings from Rav's thread.:smart:
Humility might be one of them.