eSignal 7.3


Active member
The final Gold version of eSignal 7.3 is now available!

Now has Pop-out windows (great for multiple monitors) that can float on any part of your desktop outside the program frame. A very unique feature I have never seen on any other program.

Also NYSE Openbook, Regional Options, Nasdaq SuperMontage, and ECN books in the Market Depth window.

The new Quoteboard window which was requested from many futures traders.

This version supports integrated trading with IB, MB, Cybertrader, and OptionsXpress.

Find out more here:

Get it here:

coming - 7.4 & 8.0

With 7.3 released, we are fast working on the next releases of eSignal - 7.4 & 8.0.

We are planning on adding the CME & CBT books into the Market Depth window in 7.4. Adding 5 more years of UK data - 3 online now. Also from our sister company Comstock we will be adding more international exchanges - for 7.4 you will see the following with 7 years of daily data:

Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)
Sydney Futures (SFE)
New Zealand Futures (NZFE)
New Zealand Stocks (NZSE)
Singapore Stock Exchange (SES)
Hong Kong Stocks (HKSE)
Hong Kong Futures (HKFE)
Hong Kong Metals Exchange (HKME)
Italian Futures (IDEM)

8.0 will include more exchanges from Asia plus Latin America.

eSignal 7.4 Beta.

An early beta for eSignal 7.4 is ready for testing. We posted an installer today on the File Share:

This beta contains:

Keyboard Customization (on the Tools menu) - Let's you create your own keyboard templates for many of the commands/menu/toolbar things in eSignal.

Broker Template Editor (on the Tools menu) - Lets you create your own order entry ticket(s). Then when you bring up a chart, quote window, quote board, etc... Goto View->Order Entry to bring up your order ticket.

Multiple Window Symbol & Interval Linking on the titlebar - great with the Pop-Outs in 7.3!

Playback - On the tools menu. Let's you download up to 10 days of tick data and play it back. To play it back, put your advanced chart on the symbol: $PLAYBACK There's a document here that Alexis created as a guide for this playback feature.

Spreads - If you do a spread in an advanced chart (eg: MSFT + IBM) you can display it as a bar, line, or candle.

Paper Trade plugin has been updated to support the new order entry features.

Pages - Using the Advanced GET philosophy of Pages instead of Layouts, eSignal has added the ability to use Pages and/or Layouts from the Layout menu. You can also go to the File menu and then Preferences to turn off Layouts and run completely in Pages mode.

If you're interested in participating in our 7.4 beta, please install the beta and post any questions or comments in the 7 Series Beta Forum:
