never the less it may just hold on long enough until buyers may give up and get scared till sellers may take over and price may just go back to 52.
2 reasons first you don't want to be that exact when it gets there, you want at least 2tks spread, one for execution and one for safety this way you'd assure you're exit better than having to take the whole cake.
Very good you're a quick learner
are you coming from a forum where you've seen my trades before?
Nope as a matter of fact sojourner has managed to get another forum where I'd be a moderator and I could ban people if I so choose so we are gonna move over there tomorrow
I will post the news tomorrow as I want to make sure that I do have the option to ban out and delete posts with a complete control other wise it's not worth my time to start again
but he said that I do have these options, yet I'll wait for tomorrow to hear from the forum owner himself.