Equity derivatives trading in investment banking


Need some information on trading. A lot of questions. I have numbered the questions, please feel free to answer the ones that you have time to help me on. Thankyou for your time.

Lets start. i know (or think i know) that a bank trading floor has an index exotics, index options, equity exotic structuring and vanilla options team.

I know what the vanilla options guys do.
1/ The index option guys trade index options as flow/prop. Is this correct?
2/ However, what is index exotics?
3/ Is this the index correlation book?
4/ Does index exotics include volatility trading/ dispersion strategies?
5/ What does volatility trading. dispersion actually mean?
6/ What are the equity exotic guys doing?
7/ Is stat arb essentially pairs trading?
8/ What is the difference between stat arb and program trading?
9/ What is index arb?
10/ What is delta 1?
11/ Do convertible bond and delta 1 traders sit in the equity derivatives trading group?
12/ What are fund derivatives?
13/ What other trading teams are also in equity derivatives trading?
14/ Would you be prepared to have a telephone conversation with me to help me with the answers?

Many Thanks