stevet said:
liqidity is of course a primary concern in trading - since if you can trade one contract with success - you would then want to trade as many as you could - so if you are not trading at least 20 emini contracts - that means you are probably trading in ones or twos - and by extension - you have not mastered trading yet
hmmmm subjective re "you would want to trade as many as you could" trade as many as you feel you need. look at what your needs are and why. when you know enough is enough then it always will be. you will then be fulfilled.
and by extension whats the pass mark to masterdom. 100/200/300/400/500/1000/ etc, etc, BIG LOTS ?
come on now SIZE doesn't matter, masters trade to what they know to be enough, not what others say they should be trading.
not picking nits here but you can apply that logic to all areas of your existence.
check your ego's , limit your ambitions.
this sits alongside the "how bigs yours" mindset. lets flop em out then.....
also stevet what if others told you your max size "Just aint cutting it?" trade bigger.. and bigger and bigger....
some people want/need thousands/ 100's of thousands/ millions..... there will be masters in
all brackets and even then some aint even bloody content,,,,,,, lol eesshhh...