Emini Intraday Historical Data


I'm looking for 5 years historical data from Feb 2009 back to Jan 2004 on the S&P 500 emini contract. Continuous contract 1 minute or 5 minute data. Date, time, open, hi, low, close, in CSV format. I know I can get 10 years worth from ANFutures for $42, but really only need 5 years worth. Any of you Tradestation users can crank out a quick file and make a few $.
Historical data

Did u get any info? I'd like to know where to purchase it for TSi. Its been awhile since i've used tsi. Me not sure what format i need it to be in. Any help would be much helpful for me.
Did u get any info? I'd like to know where to purchase it for TSi. Its been awhile since i've used tsi. Me not sure what format i need it to be in. Any help would be much helpful for me.
I ended up buying it. Since it is ascii, you can use it in any program that will accept ascii.
I am also after 30 minute bar data on E-Mini S&P. Can you confirm the quality of the data from AN Futures?