E- Mini Nasdaq Futures!!


Does anyone trade the E Mini Nasdaq Futures? If so, could you please give us some insight as to how it works and how best to start trading it, also recommend some good online brokers please. Maybe even a good website for more info for beginners!

Many Thanks
There's more liquidity in the Emini S&P futures, and in my view the patterns are easier to read on ES (emini S&P futures) rather than NQ (emini Nasdaq futures).

If you are trading 1 contract then you should not notice the difference in liquidity. Take a look at the volume chart over lunchtime where you will see that the volume can get very sparse in comparison to ES.

Horses for courses, of course.
Alternatively look at patsystems.com. I opened an account with Man to trade Fixed income futures but I know they also offer CME minis. So far the software has been fast and reliable although they don't offer depth of market which is a pain. Try www.patsystems.com - there's a list of online brokers there.

Good luck.