Double your money the easy way

will then look to exit 11047area if it come in first hour and half of US open
a little higher than expected
targeting an earlyish 11047 now would like a good 200 point drop from the open
slowly it is then looking to take some off table on FTSE and DOW in next half hour
closed half FTSE at 5191 and $20 DOW 11176

still have 1 running on each looking to reload later
good call at the top of this range. you purely PA trading?

the dow was always going to bounce once it closed the gap the price it made through the gap showed more downside to come
I'll wait now for the FTSE to close and then look for a better price at the moment 240 or better
exit 11146 last one looking for 11047 if FTSE gets down around 5134 will exit that as well
easy enough now I need somewhere to buy for a while
10935 my target for the buy but only short term as 10742 in play from calc yesterday