Do any trading advice services really work


Ive been trading (spread betting) FTSE and Dow intraday futures with just OK results. Got a bad kicking when the software (CMC) crashed at the same time as the market when i was trading long, anyway. This may open a can of worms and may be a repeat question. (ive been looking for similar within the forums but they are so vast i have been online 1.5 hours and keep getting sidetracked).
I occassionally (almost daily) receive ad mails (T2W included )for advisory services for Indices or Forex etc. I have considered taking up a free offer for trading purposes so that it may free up some screen time, both PC and Sky TV.
Do any of these services work. I dont care what i trade.
rinker said:
Ive been trading (spread betting) FTSE and Dow intraday futures with just OK results. Got a bad kicking when the software (CMC) crashed at the same time as the market when i was trading long, anyway. This may open a can of worms and may be a repeat question. (ive been looking for similar within the forums but they are so vast i have been online 1.5 hours and keep getting sidetracked).
I occassionally (almost daily) receive ad mails (T2W included )for advisory services for Indices or Forex etc. I have considered taking up a free offer for trading purposes so that it may free up some screen time, both PC and Sky TV.
Do any of these services work. I dont care what i trade.

The best thing to do is to get someone who trades and knows how to trade to teach you. You want to avoid unsolicited services and do a research to find out who can help you to be able to make a living trading in the long run.
Don't get hooked !

rinker said:
Ive been trading (spread betting) FTSE and Dow intraday futures with just OK results. Got a bad kicking when the software (CMC) crashed at the same time as the market when i was trading long, anyway. This may open a can of worms and may be a repeat question. (ive been looking for similar within the forums but they are so vast i have been online 1.5 hours and keep getting sidetracked).
I occassionally (almost daily) receive ad mails (T2W included )for advisory services for Indices or Forex etc. I have considered taking up a free offer for trading purposes so that it may free up some screen time, both PC and Sky TV.
Do any of these services work. I dont care what i trade.
They're probably a little like drugs. Some may be effective for a while. Some may think you are getting better but they are only placebos. You're likely to develop too much of a dependency on them and they are very expensive.

There are also a lot of quack doctors out there or, even worse, the Shipmans of the trading world.

Self-healing is better. It makes you independent and what can be better than being able to achieve this yourself, without needing to rely on or pay for others ?

I have tried 3 services, every time they were run by guys who were no good at trading. I know other people with the same experience.

You need to see hard evidence of consistent trading success before you touch any service.

I've now learnt to trade DAX well, but am not consistent. I do hope to set up my own advisory sometime to share the techniques.
rinker said:
Do any of these services work. I dont care what i trade.
They probably work for the tipsters, they get the subs; and on some small-cap illiquid shares they can buy in, tip, and sell as the price moves up on the punters buying!
peto said:
They probably work for the tipsters, they get the subs; and on some small-cap illiquid shares they can buy in, tip, and sell as the price moves up on the punters buying!

I tried a penny shares service a few years ago. They would send out a list of stocks to buy at a certain price e.g 50p with a target exit e.g £1. Of course by the time you got to buy the price had already moved up e.g 80p and was near the exit price.

All at £30 a month. Stay away in my opinion and do your own research.
Have you looked at NetPicks? I've tried them before, but found their method is not always straight forward to follow and I don't like their large stops. However, some of their results look impressive, particulary DAX. They also offer a autotrade service.

I'd be interested in any positive feedback on how that pans out for real.