Difficulty Shorting stocks


Junior member
Has anyone else used Quest Trade and experienced difficulty when attempting to short stocks?
What stocks and what kind of difficulty?

they say they have a limited inventory of stocks available for shorting and i need to call in to find out as they can't email it. I work at 9 in the morning so I'm unable to call in on time to find out what's available, do some analysis, and decide what to short.
Maybe you should look at a different broker.

I used to trade with Lightspeed. I'd find a stock with a great short setup only to find out it was on the 'hard to borrow' list. Frustrating...

Now I'm with IB and almost never have that problem.
Maybe you should look at a different broker.

I used to trade with Lightspeed. I'd find a stock with a great short setup only to find out it was on the 'hard to borrow' list. Frustrating...

Now I'm with IB and almost never have that problem.

doesn't ib have requirements that you must have done atleast 100 trades before creating an account?
Has anyone else used Quest Trade and experienced difficulty when attempting to short stocks?

I trade intraday so often have such problems. There is a list of stocks which are nonshortable (its a dynamic list). But if I want to short stock from this list I must pay additional commission.
doesn't ib have requirements that you must have done atleast 100 trades before creating an account?


IB have all sorts of regs. You fill in boxes. Do it wrong and you have to fill it again.

In the end, guess what? You are absolutely perfect and whiter than white!.