Depth of Market (DOM)


Hello all:

I have been trading the Naz 100 e-mini for a while. I have just started using the DOM for seeing the price and volume for the different bid/ask levels. I was wondering if any of you had any resources to educate traders on how to read the DOM and make good entries and exits. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance,

qtip :D
I don't think it adds anything, in fact the opposite, it confuses the hell out of me.

I don't use it my self but this could help-

I believe DOM should really be used to time entries and exits. Most of the people who do use it tend to be very short term in their objectives.

The simple method of use it to add up the lot sizes (stick to the tens/hundreds) of the bid & offer which should give a basic understanding of demand/supply and thus probable short term direction. (yes, my knowledge is that basic!) Try looking at level 2 posts for NASDAQ - similar idea/concept. TAke a look at some of Twalker's posts. I believe he trades the spread and so may use DoM.

Hope that little helps.

The DOM is just like level 2 in the NAZ, a lot of bogus posting goes on.

If you interested in reality (time & sales/volume profiling) check out the link below. They give a 2 week free trial that runs on a few datasources.

I started trading in this chat room on Paltalk called, the guy who runs it is great at reading DOM as well as Time and Sales, has taught me alot. Check it out, the room is free, they also have a site with some other stuff, but mostly they trade the Minis Es and NQ