Demo accounts


I want to open a demo account and test my knowledge of the market.. where can I find the most helpful demo??
Not sure about demo accounts per se, but if you open an account at most firms today they have a demo trading account available. For stocks and options I use Optionshouse, for futures I like Infinity. Both are fairly simple and cut down to the basics systems, but that is how I like it. I don't trade stocks anymore, but when I did I liked Firstrade; their platform is (or was) pretty basic.

Check out the websites of various brokers, some even give you a trial period where you can open an account without funding for a short period.

The most helpful demo will be dependant on your trading style and what you are looking for. Trademonster has a decent demo, but I prefer the others listed.

Good luck.
What do you want to trade? if it's Forex you can get a demo account from most i.e. Alpari, FXCM, Smart Live Markets, GFT will give you a demo account for FX, indices and shares. offers a demo account for a month. You get 50,000 "paper money". That's what I'm currently using, so far it's quite noteworthy.
I want to open a demo account and test my knowledge of the market.. where can I find the most helpful demo??

Don't get me wrong, I think demo is an essential part of the journey and people that don't do it first are crazy. But make sure you are properly aware of the drawbacks of demo trading, and how very different it is to the real thing.
mostly need this experience for my stratedgy buildng! Im aware that I dont have the pressure of losing real money on my back but I will make sure to be as realistic as possible!! thnx