day trading rules

jeremy heard

Can I make 3 round trip trades on the same stock in a five day period and not be classified as a day trader. i dont have 25k in my account yet but i would like to day trade to build up my balance so i can be listed as a day trader, The rule i am worried about is the one that states "number of day-trades is more than 6% of the total trades in the account during that period". can i get away with just keeping track of all my trades and not trade a stock 4 times in 5 days.

looking for answers
This is my answer, correct me if I am wrong.

Yes you can make 3 round trip on the same stock in five days period and not be classified as a day trader. There is a trick if you want day trade everyday but don't have to maintain 25K balance. Ask your broker to change your account to cash account. You can day trade as many as you want. Hope this help.