Data feed and IB


Junior member
I have just opened an account with IB. I am using Ensign to display my charts
but I cannot seem to push IB's data-feed into Ensign. I have enabled the
facility within Ensign to accept IB as my data feed, enabled activeX and
socket clients within TWS and tried closing and opening both TWS and ensign.
When I log into Ensign it automatically enters my IB password and username
so it does recognise my account. All it says within Ensign is No connection
/ idle!

I have checked with IB to ensure my data-feed is okay and they have confirmed this. In fact I have Trading Simulator running okay and prices are being displayed.

The idea was to stop using e-signal as my data feed due to the fact IB's feed can work within Ensign and what's the point in having two subscriptions when I don't use the E-signal software.

Hope someone can help.

Hi Martin

I trialled Ensign once with IB and it was OK for the feed, the only thing I can think of is did you download the correct version of Ensign, it differs depending on the feed you use.

My problem with Ensign is that I couldn't get it to work with Ensign's own back-fill (since IB doesn't have any).

Have you tried emailing them or contacting them via the chatroom?

Sorry if this doesn't help.
In Set-Up / Connection click the radio button that says "Interactive Brokers" then click the "Connect to IB" button.


Ensign datafeed

Martin1973 said:
I have just opened an account with IB. I am using Ensign to display my charts
but I cannot seem to push IB's data-feed into Ensign. I have enabled the
facility within Ensign to accept IB as my data feed, enabled activeX and
socket clients within TWS and tried closing and opening both TWS and ensign.
When I log into Ensign it automatically enters my IB password and username
so it does recognise my account. All it says within Ensign is No connection
/ idle!

I have checked with IB to ensure my data-feed is okay and they have confirmed this. In fact I have Trading Simulator running okay and prices are being displayed.

The idea was to stop using e-signal as my data feed due to the fact IB's feed can work within Ensign and what's the point in having two subscriptions when I don't use the E-signal software.

Hope someone can help.


Hi Martin

If you are using intraday data then you may have some headaches with IB data for Ensign. It is possible but as Ensign have no backfill, they try to get the free data from web. They try to combine data from pits to fill up Globex data & so on. For intraday trading you may need to go for esignal.

However, if you can do with the symbols available for backfill ( no european symbols), make sure you have entered the symbol code correctly. Here's a link for the symbol guide

Hope it helps. Let me know.

PS : In their echat, you can try to post message in support room & sometimes 'Buffy' ( one of the senior traders ) answers as well as Paulo.

Cheers guys....

Beyonder - Backfill might be an issue. I trade ES and Nasdaq stocks so not sure about this, trouble is I cannot ever get any support from Ensign. Frustrating..

LevII - Yep done that, checked everything, all set up ok.

Fibcouple - I trade intra day only. Can you explain to me in what way back-fill could cause me grief with the lack of this option within Ensign. Thanks.

My main problem is that I still cant get the darn program to accept the IB feed! I am not sure if it is a TWS issue or an Ensign problem or even the settings on my computer, whatever they may be.. T-Sim is fine and TWS is displaying live market data so the feed is there but I am not getting that promt to accept connection to Ensign as I do with T-Sim. Until I can push the data through and check its performance I cannot establish if it is suitable for me. Oh dear... Where to go from here?

Hi martin

I quote from my post above

"If you are using intraday data then you may have some headaches with IB data for Ensign. It is possible but as Ensign have no backfill, they try to get the free data from web. They try to combine data from pits to fill up Globex data & so on. For intraday trading you may need to go for esignal."

IB live data does flow into Ensign & populate the charts but IB dont give you the past data. So if you lose connection mid-market, or log on after market has started, you wont get the data from the time you weren't online. That may be a problem for some traders, especially if the timeframe traded is long & they need the past data to properly run the indicators on chart.

Hope this helps.


PS Have you made sure the symbols added are in accordance with the link I posted? That is the commonest problem I found I had while trying different datafeeds.
Have you got some other software running, linked to TWS, that may be using up all your 40 symbols?