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[DARWIN] PUL by Pulse07

Congrats for PUH !
Last 6M are impressive , a darwin that grows smooth like a darwin portfolio.
Real high degree of internal diversification!
Congrats for PUH !
Last 6M are impressive , a darwin that grows smooth like a darwin portfolio.
Real high degree of internal diversification!
Thank you.
I have worked a lot on PUH this year and I think I have improved it considerably.
But conditions are favorable for my strategies at the moment, this is probably mainly what explains the current performance.
We will see how PUH will behave when the conditions deteriorate but what is certain is that the progression will not remain so smooth indefinitely.
PUH synthesizes all of my work.
It therefore contains my future successes but also the failures.
So its evolution is faster than all my other darwins since I work permanently on at least one of the strategies it contains.
I hope I can see an improvement over time, which will mean that my work is paying off.
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Here is a description of the underlying strategy of PUL.
Sorry for the delay, unfortunately my schedule is very busy.
I may add more detail later.
But feel free to ask questions, I would be happy to answer them, but maybe with a little delay.



Results of the underlying strategy are a little better in reality because Darwinex offers me 40% rebate on commissions.
As I generate a lot of commissions, this represents about 2 or 3% of additional return per year.
This is a big part of why the Darwin Equity Curve is a little different from that of the underlying strategy.
Since a 60% commission rebate is applied on Darwins.

Automated contrarian intraday strategy appllied on EURUSD.



Backtest done with tick data suite (0.01 lots per trades).
I rely on the last 5 years to update this strategy, but I still check that their behavior is correct over a longer period.

This backtest corresponds to the stategy as it is now but the settings are adjusted at least once a year.
Usually I adjust the settings of all my strategies at the start of each year and also following an unusual drawdown.

For example, I adapted this strategy following the drawdown related to COVID-19.


he indications below relate to the underlying strategy and not to Darwin.
I have no control over Darwin's risk management.
Most of the time, it is rather lower than that of the underlying strategy.
But as this strategy has an activity proportional to the volatility, it can happen that the risk of Darwin increases strongly in period of low volatility.

0.01 lots every 600 euros of equity.

Limited leverage : 6 trades maximum at the same time.

Stop-loss for each trade.

Maximum excursion per position : 10%.
The strategy no longer opens trade if the stop loss of the existing trades and the one to open could exceed this limit.

Maximum loss by sliding 24h : 10%
The expert advisor stops opening trades when this limit can be reached, so that even if all the trades in progress ended on stop-loss this limit can not be reached.
This does not mean that this strategy will steadily risk 10% in a day.
On the contrary, this protection is supposed to never be used, it serves as a fuse in case things turn worse than expected.

All trades are closed before week-end.

Beeks VPS and Personnal Server ready to take relay in case of VPS failure.

EXPECTATIONS (for the underlying strategy) :

- Average yearly profit aimed : 15%.

This is a rather pessimistic estimate which takes into account the backtests and also the difficulties that the strategy has encountered so far which have led to adaptation.
It is not a promise, just an indicative value.

- Maximum lifetime drawdown aimed : 30%
The lots size is defined according to the results of the backtest and forward test so that the drawdown never exceeded 15% until today.
But I rely on 30% to leave a margin of safety.

If the stategy exceeds the 15% drawdown, the size of the lots is gradually reduced in order to keep the target drawdown of 15%.
At this point, if I haven't already, I'm focusing my work on this strategy to try to figure out what's wrong.
But I didn't make any changes in a rush.
As the risk decreases as the drawdown increases, I can take my time to study the situation quietly.
If I could no longer adapt the strategy, and the expected return becomes too low compared to the drawdown, the strategy would be paused or replaced by another.
Before that, I'll let the investors know here as well as on the Darwin page so they can decide what to do.


All my strategies are managed in a manner similar to PUL.
The target risk is still 30% drawdown, but other parameters vary.

Note that this was not always the case, some darwins which were then in development did not have serious money / risk management at certain times (this is the case for PUH for example).
It was a mistake to do this because it might give the impression that I could do the same on my other darwins.
But that won't happen again, even for my darwins in development.

For darwins containing more than one strategy, the management remains the same except that a fair share of the equity is attributed to each of them.
But in this case, the risk can then be increased depending on the diversification.

Have a nice day.
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Even a pro like you, big drawdown still occurred.
It seems that it's an essential stage every traders have to deal with.
First of all, let me point out that trading is not my main activity at all.
I am a business owner in a field that has nothing to do with trading.
My professional activity takes me a lot of time, but I always have a few hours left to devote to my strategies each week, at least for their follow-up.
In addition, my schedule regularly leaves me significantly calmer for long periods, which allows me to work more in depth.
I don't see this lack of time as a handicap, because I have a very long-term view of trading.
This gives me the opportunity to make small improvements or updates on a regular basis and to be able to observe quietly how they materialize.
In addition, it is much more comfortable to have a stable income, independent of what trading brings to me, it allows me to apprehend the difficult periods serenely.
Anyway, whatever future performance I get with my strategies, I have no intention of abandoning my main activity anyway.
For the simple reason that I enjoy doing my job.
This is not completely ruled out but not until the distant future.

With regard to the question of drawdowns, I have a lot to say on the subject, but unfortunately I don't have time to elaborate enough now.
But I sure would have time by the end of the week.
It's a fact, some steady darwins just don't get the attention (and investors) they deserve. Both PUL and VRT have produced over +15% per year on average over the last 2 years. Take away the 20% performance fee and the 1.2% management fee and investors bag a decent yearly return even on 1x leverage.

The Drummer of The Band Effect - seems like these type of Darwins (and returns) are underrated by a section of Darwin investors - maybe they are prepared to forgo the chance of a steady return in favour of a bigger / massive return.

PS: congrats to @Pulse07 and @VolcanoFX for a TOP 10 finish in DarwinIA this month (y)
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A risk management update from PUL was made on July 18th.
A daily drawdown limit has been put in place and has been set at 4.5%.

When necessary, stop-losses are modified so that even if all open trades reach their stop-loss, the daily limit of 4.5% is never reached.
This update does not change the way PUL works.

Stop-losses are usually set based on volatility.
It was only on a particularly bad day that the stop-losses could be reduced to meet the 4.5% limit.

The expected performance is slightly better than the previous version.

I insist that these numbers relate to the underlying strategy and not to Darwin.
I do not have control over the risk of Darwin.
But it should be lower than that of the underlying strategy since the Var ratio is usually much less than 1.
It is currently 0.67.

I thank those who have invested in PUL (or my other darwins) for their trust.

Have a nice day.

A new update was made on August 7th.
It consists in particular of an improvement in risk management, which should have the effect of reducing the size and duration of drawdowns, and a more regular performance.
So I decided to increase the leverage per trade of the underlying strategy a little, to keep a level of risk close to the previous version.
It goes from around 1.75 to 1.92.
The maximum daily loss also increases from 4.5% to 5%.

With this setting, the backtest gives an estimate of the maximum drawdown over the last 5 years of about 13.5% instead of 15% for the previous version.

This change affects very little the behavior of the strategy, most trades will even be identical, but there will be a little less (around 5% less).

Have a nice day.
Hi @Pulse07
Let's suppose I am intersted in investing PUV .
Should I expect it to be correlated with PUL ?

PUL and PUV act on the same type of movement but in a different way.

It therefore happens regularly that PUL and PUV have trades open over the same period, but even in this case, the results are not necessarily correlated.
One may profit and the other may lose.
The long-term correlation should therefore be quite weak.

On the other hand, in some rather rare cases, when the conditions are particularly unfavorable, there is a risk that both suffer significant losses at the same time.
And vice versa when the conditions are particularly favorable.

PUV has a very variable activity, it is currently not very active, so the VaR is very low.
Darwin therefore multiplies the risk by almost two compared to that of the underlying strategy.
I am not comfortable when one of my Darwins significantly increases the risk compared to the one I expected,
I suggest to take this into account before choosing the amount to invest in this darwin.

Everything I just said here is also valid for PUP and PUY.
I have to congratulate with you because my main filter is returning 26 darwins and THREE are yours!
PUL (that I am already investing)
Maybe PUH could be better as second darwin to be in the same portfolio with PUL.
Here above you were saying that PUH represents all of your work and efforts.
PUH has also higher Capacity so it is less likely to suffer divergence problems is the future.
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Thanks !!!

I recommend PUH over PUV.
The activity of PUH being much greater and regular, the Darwin is therefore better replicated.
And since it contains all my strategies, diversification should lead to more stability.
He is also more likely to improve, since he takes advantage of every update I make on any of my strategies.

Morever, I am currently updating all my strategies, incorporating the progress I made recently on PUL, such as the daily loss of 5%.
It's going to take me a long time to do this on all of my strategies, but it should make PUH even more robust.
I recommend PUH over PUV.
The activity of PUH being much greater and regular, the Darwin is therefore better replicated.
And since it contains all my strategies, diversification should lead to more stability.
He is also more likely to improve, since he takes advantage of every update I make on any of my strategies.
Why don't you start a new thread about PUH with relative backtests like this one?
Darwin is super cool! :)
Why don't you start a new thread about PUH with relative backtests like this one?
Darwin is super cool! :)
Sorry, but keeping a thread about PUH up to date would take too long.
PUH contains more than 50 expert advisors.
And regularly, those who have not kept their promises are withdrawn or new ones are added.

I prefer to spend my time working on my strategies rather than describing them.
Also, the PUL thread doesn't seem to interest many people.
That said, if any questions are asked here about PUH, or any of my other darwins, I would be happy to answer them.
Hi Pulse07
Today's drawdown is the maximum recorded in a day? You closed the position, your system or darwinex risk manager? Thanks.