CWM FX - I Told You So !

Hiding it shadows? What you on about that case was finished and was supposed to get sentence earlier in week?
AC was apparently due to be sentenced last month for his wasabi moments. Have not seen any update on the sentencing so no idea on what term he has received or even if he has been sentenced yet.

I am also led to believe, but do not quote me, that the police fraud investigation is allegedly nearing it's completion and that there will be news in the first quarter of next year.
I take it that no one received their promised refund letter from the Israeli lawyers in November as the magical and secretive guarantor cover had been activated?

Is there any news for the Field Fisher class action?
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There is no Israeli lawyer, there is no guarantor, there is no money.

You have been swindled and scammed and you will never see a penny back.

Contact the City of London police, give them all the information you have, particularly the details of the person who introduced you to the scheme.
There is no Israeli lawyer, there is no guarantor, there is no money.

You have been swindled and scammed and you will never see a penny back.

Contact the City of London police, give them all the information you have, particularly the details of the person who introduced you to the scheme.

There was an Israeli law firm involved.. I have emails from them however it is all more of the same old same old...

The latest "news" is that the Israeli lawyers are no longer involved and another law firm in the Caymans is now dealing with it.. Ha Ha, have Merry Christmas. At least one person wont be opening Christmas presents, sipping sherry and eating cold turkey with wasabi this year.

I agree with you that the money has gone and that all the noise, past, present and future is nothing more than a distraction to this truth.
Do we all remember Sam Zumbe on that video claiming he was so FBI agent or something similarly ridiculous?? Haha. What's happened to that plank?
Hello All, Field Fisher class action asking more funds from investors. This is the third time they are asking. All those victims are now tired and losing hope with FF. FF and some ring leaders in our group posting threatening posts via Viber group consequences of not paying more money. There is no direct contact with FF and victims all messages are passed by VIber group.

I do not remember the following when agreeing to for this case. Can some one explain what does the following means for us victims.

''Dear all, Please see one of the clauses below if we are to terminate our involvement with FF. 9. Termination of instructions You may terminate your instructions to us in writing at any time. However, in the event of termination of instructions, you will be liable for your proportion of the funding obtained on your behalf and funded by Burford Capital Limited. In the event of termination, we will calculate the amount due by you to Burford Capital Limited and payment must be made within 7 days of such detail being provided to you. We are entitled to keep all your papers and documents while money is owing to us. We will decide to stop acting for you only with good reason (which we will communicate to you if we are able) and on giving you reasonable notice. Failure to pay bills in accordance with the terms of this letter would constitute good reason.''
So here we are 4 years on - no charges brought and no light at the end of the tunnel for the investors. Was there ever any illegality? If it was so clear cut why are there no charges and someone not behind bars? It really does make you wonder who you can trust the Police clearly have nothing if they did surely they would have acted by now? Have the CPS dropped the case? - anyone had any updates on this?
lol and not forgetting Chelsea fc, Wigan Warriors and SVR's Clio Cup car racing. there were others too!

oh the money burn!!

so will the so called regulated entities right throughout the chain selling it all get there comeuppances? I have no idea who they all were to be honest, but we should all be hopeful the authorities know, or will eventually find who they are and are brought to book for their activities.

there's evidence that one such fca registered firm, mentioned earlier in the thread, furness financial management, of whom it was alleged of their involvement, and a subsequent post mentioning firms closing. they have indeed filed to be struck off and are on their 1st gazette. furness also have an application ongoing at the fca to cancel their authorisation.

other entities will no doubt follow as the authorities catch up with them. deleting twitter and/or facebook feeds of their involvement unfortunately may buy some time, but ultimately they'll have left a paper trail as wide as a bus.

the pentagon bank story is popcorn ready. you just couldn't make it up. look out for stories across the net of fools taken in.
here you can get in-depth details about furness financial management