Fine you win! if you really feel hand on heart that any of of those steps you prescribed had any value at in them apart from stating the obvious and making someone at the recieveing end feel small then your right! Believe your right believe your wrong either way your right - quote. -[/QUOTE
Not unexpected.Had someone basically told me at the outset I knew nothing worth knowing to make consistent profit from trading I would have reduced it to a personal level as well assuming the other person was "brash" ..trying to "win"...trying to be "right"...stroking their ego at the expense of mine etc etc...listen closely ...this is not about me ,I already win in the only way that counts ,and I don't care enough about other people's views of me that I feel a need to pump myself up at their expense...
If my earlier points are really "obvious" then you'll stop thinking in terms of "win" ,"right" ,"small" and anything else that smacks of ego..and go away and start learning about what it takes to trade and win consistently's nowt to do with "dollar on a roller coaster" , Barclays half the value of HSBC, and most of the other things that you believe to be economic insights ,or fundamentally driven data ...even when you're right about the latter you're not likely to make money trading it, on that and only that.
A point in the right direction is all I will give .What I have learned in terms of the time it has taken has been a huge investment and I feel no obligation to give that away and I have no interest in selling it either ,preempting any digs in that direction.
My pointers to you are ,lose the ego and accept your lack of knowledge, learn how to analyse charts properly , concentrate on finding the critical points ,adopt a mindset of where the market will be wrong and what will happen when it finds out ,look in detail at selecting instruments that are cohesive with your trading style and plan, work on money management techniques and position sizing and think tactically when applying your plans.
To get personal 😉 ..that's more help than your response deserves ,but I'm making allowances for your ego damage 😉