current HOT industries and HOT company stocks?


Well-known member
im learning to trade at the moment.
Ive read someones advice, which said pick a few hot/big/active industries and choose 5 or 6 companies within that industry, to follow their stock. To learn.

Where should i be looking?


Best to stick to uk companies first?
Or is the main action in american markets?
i personally would stick to the uk for now if thats where your from, and secondly i wouldnt restrict myself to companies who trade purely in the uk...look for global diversification. You might want to look at oils and miner. they are interesting bunch at this level.

look into the size of the business (market cap)...look at profit ranges - and net assests (does this business have strong foundation) and more importantly with the lending crunch on does the business have cash in hand. i think its better if you pick the stocks yourself and make sure you have justification to why. once you have picked a couple me and i will run through them with you. good luck
i personally would stick to the uk for now if thats where your from, and secondly i wouldnt restrict myself to companies who trade purely in the uk...look for global diversification. You might want to look at oils and miner. they are interesting bunch at this level.

look into the size of the business (market cap)...look at profit ranges - and net assests (does this business have strong foundation) and more importantly with the lending crunch on does the business have cash in hand. i think its better if you pick the stocks yourself and make sure you have justification to why. once you have picked a couple me and i will run through them with you. good luck

thankyou. yeah im gonna learn using uk stock market.
i just wondered, i might be missing some obvious like few years ago the dot com companys and internet craze was happening place at that just wondered what industry etc is like taht now...

ill browsed the ftse and other lists... and have been keeping tabs on about 20 or more random companys, which appeal to me....for one reason or another, either been in news, or ive heard a tip, etc.
keep an eye on oil and miners. but the opportunity at the moment is a rare on. watch the volumes of stocks moving. there are lots of possibilties in this environment.
im learning to trade at the moment.
Ive read someones advice, which said pick a few hot/big/active industries and choose 5 or 6 companies within that industry, to follow their stock. To learn.

Where should i be looking?


Best to stick to uk companies first?
Or is the main action in american markets?

To trade volatility you can watch "hot sectors/stocks" learn to trade you will not touch those until you have mastered whatever system you use on something less volatile.Ignore that advice and the probability is we won't be hearing from you again.
To trade volatility you can watch "hot sectors/stocks" learn to trade you will not touch those until you have mastered whatever system you use on something less volatile.Ignore that advice and the probability is we won't be hearing from you again.

chump - i have to admit i ate my hate watching financials break through 4000 - bravo
keep an eye on oil and miners. but the opportunity at the moment is a rare on. watch the volumes of stocks moving. there are lots of possibilties in this environment.

afren ?


when the volume historgram is going haywire with lots of volume being traded....this mean price may rise ? or does it mean it could go either way?
afren ?


when the volume historgram is going haywire with lots of volume being traded....this mean price may rise ? or does it mean it could go either way?


BP - Im not so sure - if im optimist i would say yes this is a long term hold. short term there is alot of movement around here - yes volume is high as it is today with more buys than sells but it depends what type of trader you are....I am a much more fundementals trader - i look at the whole picture of the stock as opposed to only the industry. If you look carefully into the detail of this stock it has lost all its major shareholders. there might be something in that...or maybe not? it also has ongoing conflict with russia where it has a big presence...this may get worse...this is how i work out my risk to reward...other traders will laugh and tell me that the candlesticks and level 2's are this and at the end its your money and you win and lose by your decisions.

AFREN - I think its only right to disclose i am a shareholder here. Why? It is backed by some powerful investors, the growth potential is much has recently had quite a large potential discovery, which could completly change the face of the business, last balance sheet showed a substantial cash holdings which could see it through this crunch. Down Side - not making proft, infact worse year on year however this type of indstry needs investment in discovery and machinery before it can turn into profit. Its the right size for a takeover - the spreads are high however so keep an eye on them.

You have to appreciate these are very volatile stocks, and i would not recommend you be looking at them if oil was $125 per barrel but as it stands circa $50 its a interesting put. AFREN CAN CHANGE 20% DAILY SO BE WANRED IF YOU CATCH ON HIGH YOU WILL HAVE TO SIT ON IT AND WAIT...BUT PERSONALLY I BELIEVE ITS WORTH IT.

It doesnt really matter what stock you pick, what matters is you know why you picked it.

Are you going to spread bet or buy holdings?

I hope this helps...

Rup 🙂
chump - i have to admit i ate my hate watching financials break through 4000 - bravo

LOL..well I do have small advantage ..I know what I am doing ..I call it 'Milking the cow'..everybody go Mooooooooo.

BP - Im not so sure - if im optimist i would say yes this is a long term hold. short term there is alot of movement around here - yes volume is high as it is today with more buys than sells but it depends what type of trader you are....I am a much more fundementals trader - i look at the whole picture of the stock as opposed to only the industry. If you look carefully into the detail of this stock it has lost all its major shareholders. there might be something in that...or maybe not? it also has ongoing conflict with russia where it has a big presence...this may get worse...this is how i work out my risk to reward...other traders will laugh and tell me that the candlesticks and level 2's are this and at the end its your money and you win and lose by your decisions.

AFREN - I think its only right to disclose i am a shareholder here. Why? It is backed by some powerful investors, the growth potential is much has recently had quite a large potential discovery, which could completly change the face of the business, last balance sheet showed a substantial cash holdings which could see it through this crunch. Down Side - not making proft, infact worse year on year however this type of indstry needs investment in discovery and machinery before it can turn into profit. Its the right size for a takeover - the spreads are high however so keep an eye on them.

You have to appreciate these are very volatile stocks, and i would not recommend you be looking at them if oil was $125 per barrel but as it stands circa $50 its a interesting put. AFREN CAN CHANGE 20% DAILY SO BE WANRED IF YOU CATCH ON HIGH YOU WILL HAVE TO SIT ON IT AND WAIT...BUT PERSONALLY I BELIEVE ITS WORTH IT.

It doesnt really matter what stock you pick, what matters is you know why you picked it.

Are you going to spread bet or buy holdings?

I hope this helps...

Rup 🙂

it can always go either way my friend. thats just how it is. If we talk about how a price is made some degree it is about buys and sells, but also remeber the market makers do influence the pize which could mean you think a stock is rising becuase the price is, buy in and suddenly it turns...doesnt make sense does it? it does to the market makers.

BP - Im not so sure - if im optimist i would say yes this is a long term hold. short term there is alot of movement around here - yes volume is high as it is today with more buys than sells but it depends what type of trader you are....I am a much more fundementals trader - i look at the whole picture of the stock as opposed to only the industry. If you look carefully into the detail of this stock it has lost all its major shareholders. there might be something in that...or maybe not? it also has ongoing conflict with russia where it has a big presence...this may get worse...this is how i work out my risk to reward...other traders will laugh and tell me that the candlesticks and level 2's are this and at the end its your money and you win and lose by your decisions.

AFREN - I think its only right to disclose i am a shareholder here. Why? It is backed by some powerful investors, the growth potential is much has recently had quite a large potential discovery, which could completly change the face of the business, last balance sheet showed a substantial cash holdings which could see it through this crunch. Down Side - not making proft, infact worse year on year however this type of indstry needs investment in discovery and machinery before it can turn into profit. Its the right size for a takeover - the spreads are high however so keep an eye on them.

You have to appreciate these are very volatile stocks, and i would not recommend you be looking at them if oil was $125 per barrel but as it stands circa $50 its a interesting put. AFREN CAN CHANGE 20% DAILY SO BE WANRED IF YOU CATCH ON HIGH YOU WILL HAVE TO SIT ON IT AND WAIT...BUT PERSONALLY I BELIEVE ITS WORTH IT.

It doesnt really matter what stock you pick, what matters is you know why you picked it.

Are you going to spread bet or buy holdings?

I hope this helps...

Rup 🙂

yes afren was my first profitable trade a week ago. Good profit too, i bought at like 25p and cashed out at 40something. I was just deciding on news and tips mainly. I went back in the other day at 39p. hope it rises a bit next week. Yeah i think day traders like afren as its always moving up and down.

"It doesnt really matter what stock you pick, what matters is you know why you picked it. " that is so true.

spread bet and or buy holdings? man, i dont even know what those mean, im seriously new to this game. Im learning as i go here.

"yes volume is high as it is today with more buys than sells "
so you can tell if theres more buyers than sellers and vice versa?
i thought we can only see the volume info ....

ive just read that AIM stocks are a riskier thing compared to main market companys.
is this true? ive read only sophisticated/knowledgable traders should mess with AIM stocks. (ive noticed all my trades are with AIM's,)

yes this helps alot, thankyou. 👍
yes afren was my first profitable trade a week ago. Good profit too, i bought at like 25p and cashed out at 40something. I was just deciding on news and tips mainly. I went back in the other day at 39p. hope it rises a bit next week. Yeah i think day traders like afren as its always moving up and down.

"It doesnt really matter what stock you pick, what matters is you know why you picked it. " that is so true.

spread bet and or buy holdings? man, i dont even know what those mean, im seriously new to this game. Im learning as i go here.

"yes volume is high as it is today with more buys than sells "
so you can tell if theres more buyers than sellers and vice versa?
i thought we can only see the volume info ....

ive just read that AIM stocks are a riskier thing compared to main market companys.
is this true? ive read only sophisticated/knowledgable traders should mess with AIM stocks. (ive noticed all my trades are with AIM's,)

yes this helps alot, thankyou. 👍

ive just read that AIM stocks are a riskier thing compared to main market companys.
is this true? ive read only sophisticated/knowledgable traders should mess with AIM stocks. (ive noticed all my trades are with AIM's,)

what do you just think I told you above.
yes afren was my first profitable trade a week ago. Good profit too, i bought at like 25p and cashed out at 40something. I was just deciding on news and tips mainly. I went back in the other day at 39p. hope it rises a bit next week. Yeah i think day traders like afren as its always moving up and down.

"It doesnt really matter what stock you pick, what matters is you know why you picked it. " that is so true.

spread bet and or buy holdings? man, i dont even know what those mean, im seriously new to this game. Im learning as i go here.

"yes volume is high as it is today with more buys than sells "
so you can tell if theres more buyers than sellers and vice versa?
i thought we can only see the volume info ....

ive just read that AIM stocks are a riskier thing compared to main market companys.
is this true? ive read only sophisticated/knowledgable traders should mess with AIM stocks. (ive noticed all my trades are with AIM's,)

yes this helps alot, thankyou. 👍

Hi Mate,

There are sites out there that will tell you the volumes of buy and sell breakdown.

WARNING - Dont trade on tips.....why? becuase market makers know tips are out and they will make the spreads worse. also alot of tipsters dont always trade themselves. i say they should all be regulated as alot of tips will land you in serious loss. dont follow the obvious. your trading screen is set up in a certain way...same as walking in a supermarket. you walk in you see fruit High profts) and smell bread (make you hungry and spend more). the same with the layout of your screen. think about it.

aim IS VERY RISKY IF YOU GO IN AND BUY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. Aim shares are less regulated and have to disclose less info when listing so its not always easy to get a true insight. But aim can be very profitable. every blue chip compnay in the ftse 100 was once a small company so there are gems out there but lots of black holes looking to suck your money.
it can always go either way my friend. thats just how it is. If we talk about how a price is made some degree it is about buys and sells, but also remeber the market makers do influence the pize which could mean you think a stock is rising becuase the price is, buy in and suddenly it turns...doesnt make sense does it? it does to the market makers.

Whatever you do please be careful and not carried away. i have lost lots of money trading and im not ashamed to say it. i am happy to share my sad stories if it helps. alot of traders sound off like they have a crystal ball and they are all millionaires. huff and puff mate....its a well know stat that 90%-95% people lose trading.
Whatever you do please be careful and not carried away. i have lost lots of money trading and im not ashamed to say it. i am happy to share my sad stories if it helps. alot of traders sound off like they have a crystal ball and they are all millionaires. huff and puff mate....its a well know stat that 90%-95% people lose trading.

I've done for today so I'll take a few minutes to post.
Before I started trading I had a long,long history in making money from both business and property. Having wound one of those down and with the other on an horizon to do the same I decided I could make money trading the financial markets. Arrived at this site ,thought I knew what was important and lost no time telling people about it ,why be modest afterall (LOL)..that was probably back about the last cycle bottom..LOL
Took about a year for me to realise I knew buggerall worth knowing meanwhile of course like every fool I still insisted on telling the few who knew something worthwhile what was what ..if they were still here I'd apologise.
Bottomline is if you're not putting money in the bank regularly from trading you don't know enough about trading to have an opinion. ...after you get that then and only then can you start moving forward learning really what you need to know.

Step 1...admit you're ignorant
Step 2...rectify that
Step 3...confirm you have rectified it by consistently having more money in the bank at the end of whatever trading period you work with.

Enjoy !

Interesting post!

STEP 1 - Admit your ignorant?! as much as your respected as a more senior trader i think its a little unfair to say people are ignorant. In this case the person is asking for help and some direction. if they were ignorant they would believe they were better than that. perhaps this little bit of wisdom is more personal to you than anyone else.

STEP 2 - Couldnt agree more! its the definition of madness....doing the same thing and expecting different results. But with every bad or good trade is the ability to learn.

STEP 3 - Money. Well thats the holy grail. Its what most people started for and the same greed which made most part from the cash very quickly. The cold and hard fact is the more money you make the better you are - but that is not a methodology that is a end result. Im sure any new trader had worked out a measure of success maybe monetory. Its like a football manager saying to his team....i know what you goto do - just kick the ball in the net.

NB: Have you noticed this new trader has not responded back or even thanked you for your advise. Perhaps if you remeber when you were a new trader then maybe you could be more tactful and less brash (just a thought).

Hope this doesnt cause you upset, its just i feel that self praise is no praise and there is nothing more counterproductive than making an new trader feel more lost than they already are.

Not upset, but actually because you had seemed a decent sort ,I posted this advice for you ,not him.I've read what you have written and not only are you not making money ,but you won't do so simply carrying on with the type of approach you have.
I'm not discussing this with you ,or even having a conversation with you and it will be miracle if you don't simply feel I am an arrogant BST etc.However, I am doing what a pro trader should have done to me all those years ago and I'm just telling you you don't know enough right now to trade to consistent profit .I can see that just as I am sure they could see it in me all those years back.What you do about that is now up to you.
I'll leave you with it and by the way when I say "Ignorant" it is used very specifically to indicate a lack of knowledge ,not as an insult ...lesson 1 ...don't assume the market doesn't like it.
Not upset, but actually because you had seemed a decent sort ,I posted this advice for you ,not him.I've read what you have written and not only are you not making money ,but you won't do so simply carrying on with the type of approach you have.
I'm not discussing this with you ,or even having a conversation with you and it will be miracle if you don't simply feel I am an arrogant BST etc.However, I am doing what a pro trader should have done to me all those years ago and I'm just telling you you don't know enough right now to trade to consistent profit .I can see that just as I am sure they could see it in me all those years back.What you do about that is now up to you.
I'll leave you with it and by the way when I say "Ignorant" it is used very specifically to indicate a lack of knowledge ,not as an insult ...lesson 1 ...don't assume the market doesn't like it.

Fine you win! if you really feel hand on heart that any of of those steps you prescribed had any value at in them apart from stating the obvious and making someone at the recieveing end feel small then your right! Believe your right believe your wrong either way your right - quote. -
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Fine you win! if you really feel hand on heart that any of of those steps you prescribed had any value at in them apart from stating the obvious and making someone at the recieveing end feel small then your right! Believe your right believe your wrong either way your right - quote. -[/QUOTE

Not unexpected.Had someone basically told me at the outset I knew nothing worth knowing to make consistent profit from trading I would have reduced it to a personal level as well assuming the other person was "brash" ..trying to "win"...trying to be "right"...stroking their ego at the expense of mine etc etc...listen closely ...this is not about me ,I already win in the only way that counts ,and I don't care enough about other people's views of me that I feel a need to pump myself up at their expense...

If my earlier points are really "obvious" then you'll stop thinking in terms of "win" ,"right" ,"small" and anything else that smacks of ego..and go away and start learning about what it takes to trade and win consistently's nowt to do with "dollar on a roller coaster" , Barclays half the value of HSBC, and most of the other things that you believe to be economic insights ,or fundamentally driven data ...even when you're right about the latter you're not likely to make money trading it, on that and only that.
A point in the right direction is all I will give .What I have learned in terms of the time it has taken has been a huge investment and I feel no obligation to give that away and I have no interest in selling it either ,preempting any digs in that direction.
My pointers to you are ,lose the ego and accept your lack of knowledge, learn how to analyse charts properly , concentrate on finding the critical points ,adopt a mindset of where the market will be wrong and what will happen when it finds out ,look in detail at selecting instruments that are cohesive with your trading style and plan, work on money management techniques and position sizing and think tactically when applying your plans.
To get personal 😉 ..that's more help than your response deserves ,but I'm making allowances for your ego damage 😉