This looks better 😀,
No, you too accept my apology as I responded agresively.
If you're interested in my profile, please do read the post, visit the website - its all there. Yes, I do manage accounts even though I started offerig it lately. I am starting this business just now. It will take time - as any serious business. I am not here (here=in this business) for quick money, and I am ready to take my time. Time is the only thing to reveal the truth. I understand many think suspiciously on investing in currency market, because there are sooo many frauds out there offering guaranteed returns and big profits... Each investor should know that even though trader may have made good positive % last month, the following month may be in red...
Normal people and investors understand it, as for others, I am not interested in managing money for such people. I acually turned down last week investor with 25k investment - and taken I am a beginner, each client is important to me, but having relations with sane people and those looking at things right is more important to me.
I just thought you were looking at me as at one of those "invest in my and get rich quickly" kinda guys.
Sorry again, and good trading,