Country Ken's Tips and racing discussions

Hi Ken

Did You Know Why? Only 30% of favourites win from the other 70% of losing favourites that we all see most days?

The question that you should now be asking is "What Similarities do most of the 30% of winning favourites share and how do I identify them.

To start with, did you know that the majority of winners next time out won there race last time out? Previous form is the first category to consider. Best results are found within favourites that placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their last race so be cautious about betting on animals without this previous form.

Next step is to identify when your selected favourite ran last. It may have won its last race but if this were 2 months ago, the strength of your selection will be weakened. Best results are found within favourites that raced only four days ago or less.

I'll second it - good info

sun123 said:
Hi Ken

Did You Know Why? Only 30% of favourites win from the other 70% of losing favourites that we all see most days?

The question that you should now be asking is "What Similarities do most of the 30% of winning favourites share and how do I identify them.

To start with, did you know that the majority of winners next time out won there race last time out? Previous form is the first category to consider. Best results are found within favourites that placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their last race so be cautious about betting on animals without this previous form.

Next step is to identify when your selected favourite ran last. It may have won its last race but if this were 2 months ago, the strength of your selection will be weakened. Best results are found within favourites that raced only four days ago or less.


Hi Sun,

Well said, i could not have put it any better, i'll second it.

Thank you Sun, do keep in touch.

If you notice my advices, you will see that a lot of them have form figures
last time out.

Advices for today

Hi Everyone,

Hope all of you are fine and well this day.

Here are the bets for today.


No. 6. GOODBYE MR BOND - 2nd choice - win bet
No. 10. HADRIAN - 1st choice - win bet


No. 5. ALI D - win bet

P.S. The one thing that concerns me about the above bet - 8-55, is
the major bookmakers are offering odds of 4-1 to 9-2
but 1 bookmaker - stan james is offering it at 7-1, its a very good
price indeed, value indeed.
But when i see this, im usually suspicious as i ask myself, even in the
past, has this bookmaker heard something that the others have'nt
when you have this so to speak, its usually not a very good sign, but
on the good side, i have known that the so called bookmaker had
it wrong hence had their fingers burnt.

Anyway, good luck in what you choose to do, and have a nice day
if you can.


P.S. Pardon me for any form of mistakes there are.
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My personal lays for today

Hi, ( im back lol )

I forgot to mention my personal lays.

Here are my personal lays for today the 13-7-05 ( wed )


No. 4. CALCULAITE - 1st choice as a personal lay
No. 12. GALLEGO - 2nd choice as a personal lay

Their current trading prices are

No. 4 - is 5.6

No. 12. 5.2


P.S. If i may be allowed to say it again, don't lay these horses, as i would
like you to have more faith in my laying ability before you jump in
i mean well.
Advices for today.

Good Morning all,

If i may say please, a winner yesterday @ 7-2

Total of 3 bets were given, so at level stakes of say £10-00
the returns would be £45-00, a profit of £15-00 for the day
just thought i'll get this written down.

As for my personal lays yesterday, the horses lost, hence
you ( i or me ) won, good day for me yesterday.

Lets get on with todays bet.

8-25 EPSOM

No. 4. CUSOON - win bet

Theres a horse that was close to being a personal lay, but
my rules are, for it to be a personal lay, it has to have a score
of 10 out of 10, but it scores 81/2.
Its the tissue fav ( betting forecast fav ) and im pretty sure
it will be the fav, i've not looked at its trading price yet
but the Racing Post has it at 9-4 fav.

I might take a chance in laying it as long as its not trading
beyond 4.3


No. 6. CLINET - almost a personal lay

Good luck to all in what you choose to do.

Todays Selection

Good Morning All,

Well, yesterdays bet lost, based on £10-00 win - loss £10-00

The only good news which did help me was my almost
a personal lay, which i traded the lay price at 4.5
it did end up being the fav at 3-1, came 3rd

Anyway lets get on with todays selection.


No. 6. FIRENZE - win bet

on a scale of rating, i would rate its chances of a score of 9 out of 10

Its the fav at a very short price of 11-10.

its a filly, from a very good crop that produce good sprinters
James Fanshawe the trainer thinks quite highly of this filly
shes being brought along slowly with a lot of improvement
yet to come. The opposition in my opinion, is nothing really
special to pose a great threat to the selection, i personally
feel that shes the one that they have to beat.

Good luck in what you choose to do

Have a nice week-end all of you.

The bets for tomorrow ( sat ) will be up by 12-30 p.m.

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Hi Ken
you seem to be having a good time since you moved to this new thread , winner on friday
lets see what you have to offer today, all the best
Todays Selection

Good Morning Everyone,

If i may say this please, for those who follow my bet/s
im glad i can at least give a winner or 2, and of course
some fun to go with it.

For those who just like to observe, i would say, what ever
you get out of it, im glad for you to ( hope i said this correctly )

Well, for a saturday, most of the handicap races are pretty
tricky, but i still managed to find one.

2-50 NEWBURY - 16-7-05 ( sat )

No. 6. ACE OF HEARTS - win bet ( and a place bet if you wish )

I will start giving a rating which more or less reflects the
chances of the horse winning the race, and being placed to,
this depends on the price if you're having a place wager.
( yesterdays rating was 9 i think )

The rating for todays selection = 71/2 out of 10

Good luck to you in what you choose to do.

**** There might be some of you that would prefer to have
a place wager on my selections, esp if the odds are
sort of fair, i would suggest getting on to - Betfair

It gives me great pleasure to do what im doing on here
and at the same time to you to.

Have a nice week-end if you can


P.S. Will inform about next up-date of bet on Monday
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Saying Hello

Hi H,

Yes, im enjoying it on here and more so when the horse
wins,as those that did have a bet, im glad for them when
the horse wins.
But im sure you know, its not easy to find winners, but i will
always give it my best shot.

I trust you are O.K. H

Take care

Salty give the man a break, He give a winner, so what if it was evens, if you had a monkey on it you would have had a nice win, do you know what a money is in betting world Salty.
Kein salziges im german.Was Sie guter Junge in der Schule mit Ihnen

Englisch, das ich wettete, daß Sie an ausgewählt erhielten

Salty give the man a break, He give a winner, so what if it was evens, if you had a monkey on it you would have had a nice win, do you know what a money is in betting world Salty.

You are correct. I was being uncharitable and have therefore deleted my negative posts.

As it's Sunday I will now go to church and pray for forgiveness.

Kein salziges im german.Was Sie guter Junge in der Schule mit Ihnen

Englisch, das ich wettete, daß Sie an ausgewählt erhielten


Never could understand American English.

Hi Everyone,

Thought, i say this today so it will save me some time on Monday.

No excuses for the performance of - Ace Of Hearts

The ground, the trip, the course and everything else was
in its favour, its just one of those things in racing.

Hope for better luck next time.

Bank Balance up-date

I ( we ) might as well take all bets given into account, i think thats
only fair to do so as we will know how im doing ( and those that follow
my bets regardless of what stakes one uses, i base it at £10-00 level
stakes always )

Starting Bank was = £500-00

Previous Bank Balance = £475-00

Bank Balance now stands at = £500-00 ( up to and inc 16-7-05 )


P.S. I have not done a seperate bank for the laying side as i don't
know if any of you would like to have that displayed, if so
i will base it at a target of £20-00 to be won each time theres
a personal lay.

Any suggestions or feed back would be welcomed and appreciated.

Thanking You

hi Ken

I got 2 horses for you for monday

Ayr the 2 horse would be backed E/W


Ref your 2 horses

Hi Sun,

Good Morning to you.

Thanks for the bets.

Since the 2 are in handicap races, i'll have a look and
give my personal verdict, but i shall have an e/w bet
on them


P.S. Even if i have a look, im no expert, its something i like doing.
Todays selections-----------

Good Morning Everyone,

Even though racing is from lower grade courses, there are
2 that in my opinion are worth a wager.

I also have a personal lay.

3-45 AYR

No. 8. SOUND BREEZE - win bet - rating = 8/10


No. 2. CARIBBEAN DANCER - win bet - rating = 71/2/10


No. 5. EBORARRY - personal lay - as i write its trading at 3.60

For the record, the lay will be a target, to win £20-00

liability would be if im wrong = - £52-00

P.S. Just pop in daily to see the updates. i trust that this is o.k.

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