Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

mornin systems at home are not yet up and running so no screens from me today

hey worries - thanks for input so far

also if you want to share some trades real time at T2W ....go to Lord Flashhearts thread (live trades) and call some trades......its a good thread and the best are normally lurking and watching what is going on.....

mornin all......

well i have screens up.......I am actually standing in my hallway for the ethernet connection to work ....but hey i'll trade in a cupboard if I have to !

ok.........the world is not a happy place.........and G8 correlation is very interesting at the moment......

if you read this thread from cover to cover you will see my basic pattern rules .......I follow the 2 main risk on/off correlated currencies for calling plays against Equity market conditions

thats the yen and USD working as the dynamic fact go back a year or so and it was even easier as I had the CHF as a risk player as well.....and could play the trio against each other and the market ........

but markets change gang.....and nothing lasts forever ......nothing

miss the boat and you are history in the Trading game .....the Quick and the Dead !

i am spending some time this month to see if truly I have to utilise some new patterns that are starting to yield more profitability......fascinating stuff and more on that next year ....

meanwhile heres the current picture .....

on the left is my 20/3 setting calls the bias/trend for lower TF's (or should do if I use it !)...its telling me that from the violet "X" on 29/11 the yen and USD got south and are still there....and I should focus efforts on selling them in lower TF's until conditions on that chart change.....well at least selling against the Eurozone currencies as the AUD,NZD and CAD especially are south as well......its a EUROZONE buyfest gang !

and on this weeks right chart (1hr) its still in play fact even the recent 150 point fall in the Dow has not tempted both the YEN and USD much North ?

That makes them real weak puppies - still....(esp yen)

so trade what you what you see......;)

still offline for much of today but I am around ......I am really happy to see more interaction here from people.......this is a massive subject and I openly welcome more discussion here from everyone ......after 3 years and 450,000 views you all know me and the contributors by now and I am happy to talk here and chew the cud ! (y)

so c'mon dont be shy - join the correlation crew here ....we wont bite !

N :smart:


  • still selling yen and USD.jpg
    still selling yen and USD.jpg
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the Euro saga truly astounds me........its been written off more times than an X-factor finalist and is now back as chairman of the board....!

August was the kicker month ........heres how it went from Zero to hero in a few months and make 1100 pips on the EU...against all the odds .....

and is now into December leading as strongest currency for Q4 ?



  • 1100 pips buying EU.jpg
    1100 pips buying EU.jpg
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  • Euro is winning Q4 into Dec.jpg
    Euro is winning Q4 into Dec.jpg
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still hunting euro and GBP buys this morning .........couple of decent scalps in last hour or so

that hit on CHF threw this space

euro coming under pressure on 5mins.........scalp coming possibly
i missed entry as was looking for a better price so this may hurt.....
so there was a scalp AGAINST everything i am talking about on the higher TF's.......

such is trading ........make the rules then break the rules ......;)
ok gotta scoot..........could be more in the tank there on the sells ......

or not ....

some swissie options here as well.......the euro move up has caught CHF short (EC was 1.2140 earlier)......may be an adjustment back to 1.20's later today ?

GBP coming (more) under severe presure on the the breach on G/U
managed to ride a fast buy scalp on E/U in last 15-20mins....sorry I couldnt fire out a warning
