Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

hey all nice overnights..........Euro and NZD enjoyed some nice buy opportunities against a falling Yen and USD :smart:



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heres Boris from BKForex....

if you want to be a long term sucessful trader I suggest you read up on basic probability and Statistics....because you would be surprised how often even an 80% plus system can spit out 3-4 losing trades in a row :sneaky:

No Luck in Trading

The harder I work, the luckier I get

Samuel Goldwyn

Like almost every action in life where chance plays a role, trading is subject to luck. How many times have we seen a bad bounce along the third base line result in a run in baseball or an unintended flick of the foot score a goal in soccer? Anyone who has ever watched sports long enough can easily remember many instances of luck that turned one game around. Yet in the end it is always the better team that wins the season. In the end luck runs out.

The illusion of luck was particularly evident to me after I read a recent New Yorker article by Malcolm Gladwell called the Creativity Myth. In one of the many arcs of the piece Mr. Gladwell takes on the story of the birth of Apple computer. According to popular lore, Steven Jobs walked into the famed Xerox PARC facility in Palo Alto saw all the great innovations from the graphical user interface to the mouse and simply stole them to create the first Apple operating system.

The reality couldn't have been farther from the truth. The PARC mouse cost more than $300 dollars, broke very six weeks and had three buttons on it that made it very cumbersome to use. Jobs was able to create a $15 mouse that lasted for years and used only one simple button for navigation. The PARC GUI was essentially an extension of the old command line interface. When you clicked on a PARC icon you got a pop-up menu. Jobs took the interface to a whole new level by emphasizing "direct manipulation", so that if you tugged on window it would immediately expand, if you grabbed it it would immediately move to a new position.

In short, the saga of Apple is not the popular folklore of "the golden boy" Steve Jobs appropriating and monetizing the hard work of hundreds of Xerox academics. Rather, Apple is the story of Mr. Jobs' immense creativity and skill in turning technological ideas into a marketable, useful consumer product. Luck had very little to do with Apple's early success.

As traders we face luck on a near daily basis. A trade goes to within one pip of our profit target and then suddenly plummets to stop us out when some G-10 monetary official coughs the wrong way. Speculative markets are driven by sentiment and such bi-polar swings in price which we quaintly call volatility, are part and parcel of the game. However, we should never let a string of bad luck trades affect our overall strategy. I can't tell you how many times I have seen traders abandon perfectly sound trading ideas at the first sign of a drawdown in their accounts.

Although this is merely an observation rather than an empirical fact I believe that 90% of novice traders quit following a trading strategy the moment it generates three losing trades in row. Little wonder then that most traders lose in speculative markets. They attribute their losses to bad luck and dismiss the whole enterprise as a futile exercise in randomness when in fact the fault lies with them.

This is not to say that as traders we should blindly follow our strategy into abyss. In fact, I believe success in trading requires evolution and constant adjustment to the changing market conditions. At BK we have tweaked our trading model many times since we started the service, but we have never abandoned the primary principal of trading trend and flow. Over the past three years and more than 300 trades that strategy has proven profitable despite all the "bad bounces" of the market. In short the harder we work, the luckier we get in our trading.
been a little low on signals this morning on my 80/20 system

a buy signal is coming but dow rules will not support this for a while yet :(



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however the 1 hour charts tell us to hold fire and wait till we have a selling signal on the 5mins TF Yen/usd again ? :sneaky:



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that dow breach south is a nice clue....but its scrappy re what to sell against the rising yen and usd ....

i'm not agreat fan of trading the aussie twins at this time of day

hmm :sneaky:


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heres the latest edition of that famous Aussie Soap opera....

will AussieD and his lifelong friend KiwiD stop this nasty bickering and get back together ?

stay tuned Viewers - stay tuned :p


hey all..I love a challenge and I never put the bone down :rolleyes:

This aussie soap continues as those damn aussie Twins continue to stay 3 bandwidths apart.....

I say again they will converge soon - but I think we need a dow fall to generate it :smart:

see how the Euro keeps bouncing off the hyperextension area at the bottom of picture ? currency can stay for long at those deep depths :eek:

its only at 2+ Bandwidths but the CHF is seperated from the USD and the Yen quite a bit at the moment....if it gets to 3 bandwidths on CHF vs USD thats a convergence trade signal



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now i'm interested :smart:

my money is on selling euro into the yen and usd

as long as dow now falls and euro goes below its 80ma and 20ma

game on


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if you are watching live you will see that the euro will not go south of its 80ma

other currencies are though .....

here it is in the flesh......:smart:



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hey all

my very very tight S/L just got breached.................those are the breaks.....lets leave all the charts up and see if this was a totally incorrect call by me or I was just to to aggressive :rolleyes:



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and heres a few minute on...........I took a very tight S/L because this was an aggressive trade and I didnt want to mess around was gonna be a nice move or evertything was gonna reverse on me

which it has..........see below

so what did I do wrong ?

well a few rules not followed but hardly killers

1) The trade was against the 1hour trend (actually thats naughty)
2) I should have let the dow confirm its new falls with some more lower lows below the 80ma
3) I should not be trading during the pre dow opening period
4) the Euro was a little over extended on the 20ma chart
4) I did not have my lucky Green hat on
5) the moons of saturn are over Venus

this is trading ..............some you win and some you lose



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is this shaping up better ? :whistling


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or now should I should just leave it alone as all change

you see at the end of the day there are always rules to break and every excuse in the book can be made in hindsight

sure I could easily hide behind some rules here and tell you I never lose money but thats rubbish

I went for it and lost a handful of pips........but thats the game and you can see now that everything is turning off re any Trade signals

..........until the next time when it will deliver pips ;)



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there was a sell yen/Usd signal earlier ..........

and given the weakness of USD I'd wait for it again :sneaky:



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hey all

Yep - there has been some buys on the yen and usd recently as the dow has been persistent in its fall

but boyoboy I am waiting for the slightest retrace North on the dow as that USD is very very weak and begging to fall ;)

if Dow gets above 12510 buy the strongest currencies against it....USD will fold like a pack of cards



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Dows above the 12510.......once usd goes below the 80ma and 20ma buy a Strong currency above the 80 and 20ma

AUD looks promising
