Thank you all for your interesting and thought provoking responses - much appreciated!
You're probably thinking, not unreasonably, that my question is prompted by novice traders here on T2W who latch on to someone because that person has a TA qualification or they've worked for an IB or have a double first in economics and Maths from Oxford - or whatever. Although my OP is pertinent to the retail trading arena, that's not what prompted it.
My wife and I are in the process of selling our house and we found the perfect buyer, or so we thought. A retiring GP - nice lady. Like any house, ours has had a few issues over the years which we duly declared on the solicitor's 'Property Information Form'. In our case, we had (note past tense) a small infestation of Japanese Knotweed. Make no mistake, it’s nasty stuff, highly invasive and needs to be dealt with carefully and professionally. This we did, so that all that remains is the plant in the attached photo. The surveyor didn’t even see it and, when it was brought to her attention, she didn’t bother to return to the property to inspect it, or bother to consult the top flight landscape management company who we got in over a year ago to eradicate it. (Proper management plan in place and everything.) She simply told her client (our buyer) that on the strength of that one little plant that it’s “impossible” to value the house and “impossible” to get a mortgage on it. Unsurprisingly, our buyer has withdrawn her offer. She seems completely blinkered by the surveyor and won’t listen to or accept anything anyone else says. For a variety of reasons I won't bore you with here, we believe the surveyor is unprofessional and incompetent but, unfortunately for us, our buyer laps up everything she says without question.
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I'm not wanting or expecting anyone to comment on any of this; just thought you might be interested in the background to the OP.
Thanks again for all your posts.