company overview


Junior member
MMC Norilsk Nickel (company website

Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) MMC (Mining and Metallurgical Company) Norilsk Nickel and its subsidiaries ( “the Group” or “the Company”) is the world’s largest producer of palladium and nickel, one of the leading platinum producers and also one of the largest copper producers. Besides, the Company also produces a large number of by-products, including cobalt, rhodium, silver, gold, tellurium, selenium, iridium, and ruthenium.

Norilsk Nickel Group is engaged in prospecting, exploration, mining, beneficiation and metallurgical processing of minerals, with further production, marketing and sale of non-ferrous and precious metals.

In 2003 the Group has bought 55,4% stocks of Stillwater Mining Company, the sole producer of platinum-group metals on the territory of the USA.

At the end of 2004 the Company completed reorganization of foreign sale network. Distributor of the Group metals at the European market is Norilsk Nickel Europe, at the American market - Norilsk Nickel USA, at the Asian market - Norilsk Nickel Asia. Sales at the internal market are carried out by the Group sale subdivision.

On the share of MMC Norilsk Nickel fall more than 18% of world nickel production, about 2,5% of copper, almost 50% of palladium production and about 13% of platinum. At the domestic market on the share of MMC Norilsk Nickel fall about 96% of nickel, 55% of copper, more than 90% of platinum-group metals, 95% of cobalt.