"Collar" Strategy - Payoff of ITM Collar?


Hello all,

I am familiar with the operation and payoff of the traditional "Collar" strategy. I refer to the traditional collar as an "OTM Collar" (because you are buying an OTM put and selling an OTM call).

However, I was wondering what is the payoff of an "ITM Collar"? (buy an ITM put and sell ITM call)

For example, I know the payoff of a traditional (OTM) Collar looks something like:


(please excuse poor graphic drawing)
(I have edited this message by uploading an Excel spreadsheet with a typical OTM Collar payoff graph - better than above text graphic)

I have searched all over and I cannot find a graph/chart anywhere that talks about an ITM Collar strategy.

I have tried to map it out in Excel, but I don't know if I am calculating the options correctly.

This forum is the only place where I am confident this question can be answered accurately.

Thanks for your help in advance.


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You will get called away,or have to roll, and the commissions on small volume make the 'collar' a waste of time. Don't buy stock!
Your payoff diagram is wrong for a start....what u have plotted there is a long call spread.....see attached for an OTM long put and a short OTM call....

As the strikes tends towards the ATM strike, then the payoff will tend towards that of the underlying (a synthetic forward).

For ITM (why ever would u do this) you get a gradient of -1 for S<K1 and a -2 grad for K1<S<K2 and a -1 grad for S>K2

For sheet jsut change yellow boxes...i.e strike (mess with OTM ATM and ITM) and size (if u want to change size for some reason)


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Thank you all for the replies. Robertral, thank you for the spreadsheet.

One thing I don't understand is how I was wrong about the (OTM) Collar payout (maybe my spreadsheet got messed up in the upload)

I got my payoff information from "http://www.optionsxpress.com/educate/strategies/collar.aspx"

I don't use that site to trade options, but I have used it to examine the different types of options strategies.

If you get a chance, please take a look at the above link and tell me if that payoff diagram is wrong for a Collar.

Basically, I was wondering if you did an "ITM Collar", if the payoff would kinda look like the mirror image of a regular (OTM) Collar. And therefore by comining the 2 strategies, you would get a flat payoff (albeit, maybe a negative payoff).

I guess this strategy would be similar (although not the same!) as a Reversal or Conversion (also listed on the link above).

Anyone, let me know what you think about this. Thanks.
Hey guys,

Mr x333,

Firstly, your payoff diagramm was not wrong. What robertral hasn't inluded is the long stock in his calcs.

The payoff diagram of a collar ( long stock, short OTM call, long OTM put) IS THE SAME as a bull vertical spread (debit or credit)

The ITM "collar" that you asked about will give you the same payoff diagram as a BEAR vertical spread.

You would end up with a synthetic box spread by combining the two....same result though, as conversion or reversal.


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