Career change



Im a 29 year old IT contractor . Ive been contracting for 5 years and are getting bored now. How easy would it be for me to get on a trainee trader scheme or have i missed the boat?

Any info would be great.
Cheers Guys
looked into this myself... have been offered an interview but to even be able to consider it you have to be able to live on £400 for 3 months then £500 for the next 3 months... with no gaurantee of a job at the end of it all...

VERY high risk... if you are fresh out of UNI living with your parents it is a great opportunity possibly if you an get in, but for someone with a mortgage and car payments to make etc... it is virtualy impossible??? Unless you are minted already and then you wouldn't need the job anyway?!?
I meant more for the OP to consider if he could hand-on-heart answer the three questions posed, rather than recommending the position itself.

Mind you, he's not been back since starting the thread so either a troll or couldn't answer the questions I guess 😉
You have as good a chance as anybody, in my experiences there is no correlation between age, intelligence or backround and success in trading. I've seen people straight out of school without a qualification to their name excel and people with masters degrees in physics freeze in front of the screen. Without sounding too Jedi on you trading ability comes from within just start knocking on doors. Provided you have 100% commitment people will give you a chance.
Hey Guys

Sorry. Laptop died to havent been on line for abit. Cheers for all the feedback.
I did ask my self those 3 questions Jacko Clubs and i think i have good answers to all of them. ( im sure everyone has) . I have massive interest in finance and markets but most of all i want the challenge that comes with a job like this and of course the MONEY. I think anyone who says that money wasent important would be lying. At end of day I wanna work hard and play very hard..

I ve read some bad reports about futex though??? Do you have any personal knowledge of them?
Interesting comment Recce,

Futex have a entry level standard that is very high. If you are the right candidate u will achieve an offer of a position . Less than 1% of applications actually make it to the point where they are offered a position at Futex.

Futex retention in taking trainees to profitability is absolutely the highest in the business, around 80 - 90 %.

Make no mistake you do not choose Futex. So it makes me smile when uninformed or low quality candidates discuss whether our deals are worth taking when the likelihood is that have almost no chance of being offered a position anyway.



I would agree with you, I am uninformed hence the question, but i m defintely not a low quality candidate. Im sure you are right and FUTEX are as good as you say, and that indeed they pick you, not the other way.

Im also pretty positve that alot of persons who have tried and failed selection at FUTEX would only have bad words to say, which 99% of the time are just excuses for failing.
(Non likes to admit that they are not good enough and will often slag off what they cant achieve.) Its everywhere you look.

My question was purely one of information gathering.
Im suprised that FUTEX waste their time trawling these boards and replying to uninformed and low quality candidates, when riding on such a high pedestal with nothing to prove.

Thanks for your reply and the info you gave.
Sorry to butt in (tell me to bog off and I'll leave quietly)... why do you think you're a good candidate? And if you are, why don't you trade for yourself? The idea of working for a company having to get up at 6am every day and having to wear a suit and tie sends shivers down my spine. 😀
So it makes me smile when uninformed or low quality candidates discuss whether our deals are worth taking when the likelihood is that have almost no chance of being offered a position anyway.

Makes me smile when someone passes jusgement on someone else without having met them and with only the bearest minimum of info to go on.

Partic in the context that the claim is made that "Less than 1% of applications actually make it to the point where they are offered a position at Futex."

Seems to me that you should be looking to totally rethink your application process and stop wasting everyone's (including yours) time.
...and even with only 1% getting through, the success rate is just 80-90%, LOL. What's the process, shuffle the applications into 100-high piles and take one at random?

I assumed he was a (very entertaining) troll. Presumably one of those who'd been turned down. Keeping posting, Futex - great stuff.
Dear Futex,

Please correct me if I am wrong but i do not think that any one here has discussed whether on not 'your' deals are worth taking... nor should you assume the ability or potential of a person based on some text on a chat forum?

It is strange that you are so quick to defend your reputation when it has not even been bought into question... this may lead some people to believe that the opportunity is not as good as you make it out to be?

May I ask as part of the recruitment process do you have an English test? If so i hope you don't mark it... "our deals are worth taking when the likelihood is that have almost no chance of being offered a position anyway."... think you missed a word... hopefully you are better with figures?

When we are advertising we get over 200 apps per week - fortunately only about 10% of those actually make it as far as getting to a first round assessment. So its actually quite an achievement to get invited up to the office - and some people dont realise that.

LOL Rapster,

you got me on the english 100%.

Actually its a big plus for futex that people are using and involved in T2W. Its a clear sign of an individuals commitment to Trading and Learning. I apologise if I gave any kind of negative vibe about that.

Futex, what makes a good candidate? Just nosey. (Might help people who are considering applying and stop some of the 90% who do apply and are just not up to scratch.)

As an aside, I did apply to UBS to be a derivatives trader. My low degree mark let me down. And the dribbling. And the pencils up the nose.


Make no mistake you do not choose Futex. So it makes me smile when uninformed or low quality candidates discuss whether our deals are worth taking when the likelihood is that have almost no chance of being offered a position anyway.

No idea who you guys are or what you hope to sell with no apparent skills whatsoever in the marketing department...

But the pull marketing you're putting on is refreshingly identical to that people seeking great careers as franchisees of superb businesses like laundromats or sandwich chains have to put up with.
You're an IT contractor so you must be earning a decent wage. Save up your money while you learn to trade in your spare time. Then you won't need to bother looking for a job - you can trade with your own funds and manage your own life.
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You're an IT contractor so you must be earning a decent wage. Save up your money while you learn to trade in your spare time. Then you won't need to bother looking for a job - you can trade with your own funds and manage your own life.

Best advice available !