Career As a Physical Commodity Trader - Help Required


I am in London, and just wish to switch my career to Commodity Broking. i need serious advice as how can a novice like me can start as a commodity broker. are their any specialised courses/training programmes ( In London ) where one can get enrolled in, and take the benefit.

What are the precautions that have to be taken while selecting this career, and what are the qualities broking firms and traders see in a prospective Broker.

I am really confused, as when people told me that commodity brokers usually works from home, and this is a 24/7 industry.

i am actually looking to start a career in physical commodity broking, have a excellent academic background with economics & a post graduate degree in Business Management.

Please let me understand if there is any possibility of getting an employment with brokerage firm as a trainee commodity broker and moving up the ladder. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Thanks & Regards
Anupam. London

Best Regards
Join a commodity trading firm in the backoffice, work way up.


I agree - More or less the same way most people do. To get in a broking firm you need to either have clients to bring them and therefore would have experience, or need to prove your worth to them from showing interest as a back office clerk.

Can anyone counter this? I don't know many people who work as a broker that didn't have to do a stint either in the back office or as the broking desk's "b!tch".
i've seen a job going as a treasury analyst at EDF... do you think this would be a good foot in, obviously they are a very large company so i'm guessing they'd have more than enough people looking to move from other departments into the front office.
does this sound like a decent opportunity?
i've seen a job going as a treasury analyst at EDF... do you think this would be a good foot in, obviously they are a very large company so i'm guessing they'd have more than enough people looking to move from other departments into the front office.
does this sound like a decent opportunity?

I guess any job at the moment is a job. But personally I'd say no. I can't imagine you'd have much / any contact with the traders there. I could be wrong....

Plus what interests you? Natural Gas? Electricity?

Here's their products....

So if trading none of those interests you, then you could be wasting your time in the first place.
i'd quite like to get into weather or emissions derivatives trading... as they seem like quite technical and specialised and as they are relatively new products could be a good career path.
i have my doubts about the role leading to a trading opportunity but i did read somewhere that learning the products through a treasury position was an alternative route to going in as a traders assistant etc. i also think that working in such a large organisation they'd have their pick of traders so possibly wouldn;t bother giving promotion opportunities to those working in treasury.
cheers for your advice though