Buy commodities may be easy money down the road

Anyone that says a moving average is support is taking out of their :whistling

"Not only are moving averages used in referring to directional bias, they also are used as support and resistance. "

This means you are the big a*s here, actually you use your a*s instead of your brain and you haven't done your homework because of that. I have been using sma s&r for years with great success. Actually, it is one of the most successful TA signals I have ever used.

Now, I do not agree with everything in the analysis of the OP but if you have followed the author's advice you would have made some money in SPY yesterday instead of trying to play smart a*s.
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The SMA(200) on day bars is considered very strong support/resistance level. Regardless, I like Harris' analysis although I may not agree with everything he says.