Breakthrough technology ECHO in AR/3D/Holography!


”The Holy Grail” of AR/3D/Holography seems to be found by a danish company named Realfiction, trading at Nasdaq Stockholm Sweden.

Directional pixel-displays has several problems, until now when Realfiction seems to have found a remarkable new technology that is now ”patent pending”.

I suggest that all of you look this up, it seems like a golden opportunity.

Below comments about this new technology called ECHO and what seems like a breakthrough compared to the existing technologies on the market:

Realfiction announces the positive outcome of a novelty search regarding the patent pending ECHO technology (Cision)

2019-10-31 11:00
The Danish Patent and Trademark Office and Budde Schou, Patent Attorneys have carried out novelty searches as part of the patentability investigation of the invention behind the ECHO technology and conclude that Realfiction’s directional pixel technology is novel with respect to the known techniques identified by the Danish Patent and Trademark Office Examiner and presents distinct advantages.
It is common practice that the European patent authorities carry out a patentability investigation through research into existing technology that culminates in a written opinion regarding the patentability of the invention. To fulfill this purpose, databases from all over the world are accessed to search for existing and filed patents. The written opinion from the European patent authorities may be several years underway and is only issued upon granting or rejecting a patent. To obtain an earlier understanding of ECHO’s position, Realfiction has requested novelty searches from both Budde Schou and the Danish Patent and Trademark Office. Neither Budde Schou nor the Danish Patent and Trademark Office found any known techniques which challenges the novelty of the ECHO technology. Brian Jeppesen, patent attorney at Budde Schou states: “I am happy to say that the search report indicates, that even though this is a field with a lot of activity from display manufacturers, Realfiction’s directional pixel technology is novel with respect to the prior art identified by the examiner and presents distinct advantages. As is standard for patent applications, I have advised Realfiction not to publicly disclose any technical details, images or videos from the proof-of-concept configuration until the patent applications are publicized next year. I have worked as a patent attorney specializing in display technology for more than 10 years. Directional pixels are a well-known technology being the fundamental element behind all types of glasses-free 3D dimensional displays such as holograms, light field displays and autostereoscopic displays. Up until now, though, directional pixels have suffered a range of limitations which have prohibited wider market acceptance of glasses-free 3D displays for moving images. The limitations have included bad performance quality such as low pixel resolution, less than full color reproduction, slow pixel response times, low angular resolution (leading to limited freedom of movement for observers), poor ghost-image suppression and also a lack of ability to scale to cost effective mass-manufacturing. The technology proof-of-concept I have seen demonstrated at Realfiction is the first I have seen that holds the promise of overcoming all these limitations at the same time. It demonstrated a completely novel, nanotechnology-based, yet simple, circuit design for controlling pixel color value and angle of emitted light fast and precisely. In my opinion, this technology holds the potential of cost-efficient mass production while maintaining the high angular precision and fast response times needed for a high quality, moving image 3D-experience. As an additional benefit, the technology has the potential to save energy. Traditional tv sets use lots of energy on illuminating living rooms with the characteristic flickery blueish light we see through windows in residential areas at nighttime. They are essentially very inefficient, energy consuming, flickery lamps. Realfiction’s technology is capable of emitting light only towards eyes of people in the room, hence has the potential to save significant amounts of energy.”
If this isn’t enough the ECHO-technology also have a energy saving effect on TV:s because it has a completly new way of lighten the pixels on LCD/OLED-TV:s.

The ECHO-technology could, if implemented in LCD/OLED-TV:s in the USA, save approx $7,4 bn/year!

Realfiction’s ECHO technology can reduce the power consumption of TV displays by up to 80% (Cision)

2019-10-30 13:00
During the development of ECHO, it has become clear that implementation of ECHO into existing display technology, can reduce power consumption of the display by up to 80% due to the significant reduction in transmitted light. To secure the rights to this invention Realfiction has submitted an update to its ECHO patent application adding to the potential of its portfolio of patents pending regarding the ECHO technology.
How it works Conventional TV screens use electricity to power millions of small pixels that make up the complete image we see. As each pixel continuously shines its light in all directions, only a tiny fraction of the light targets the viewers’ eyes, essentially leaving the additional light and electricity wasted. By utilizing directional pixel technology and eye-tracking technique, the ECHO technology directly addresses this problem by pixels solely emitting light needed to target the viewer’s eyes, thereby reducing the power consumption from the apparatus significantly. In fact, the ECHO technology will be so precise in targeting the viewer’s eyes that it will work even if or when the person is moving in front of the screen. To further explain the directional pixel technology, a video illustration can be viewed on the Realfiction website here ( The ECHO technology The principle of the ECHO directional pixel technology is to enable each pixel in a display to direct differentiated light toward the left and right eye of any spectator, which combined with eye-tracking technique and multiplexing will allow users to look around three-dimensional objects in full 3D. The full integration of ECHO in for example an OLED display, will allow multiple users to move around the same display without wearing any glasses, while each user experiences their own 3D perspective on the image, and can interact with the content in real-time. The power reduction opportunity, based on implementing ECHO’s core directional pixel technology into regular 2D displays, is simply a first, yet very important and commercially very interesting step on the road towards realizing the ultimate vision of creating the Holy Grail of 3D. This is because a first-generation implementation of ECHO, with the focus on reducing power consumption, will be less complex, less costly and faster to adapt and bring to market. The potential The ECHO power saving technology can be applied in both LCD and OLED TV’s and in any geographical area. Global data on power consumption from TV displays is not immediately available. However, calculations and assumptions can be made by applying and combining various publicly available sources. Realfiction has performed such initial calculations relating to the television market in the US as an example and the conclusion is that the potential savings in power usage from full adoption of the technology corresponds to several billion US Dollars and millions of tonnes of CO2 as follows: With an average 2.24 Televisions per home[ (http://#_ftn1)1] (http://#_ftn1) in the United States that are on for an average of 6 hours and 47 minutes per day1, power consumption from Television usage adds up to approximately 105[ (http://#_ftn2)2] (http://#_ftn2) TWh per year, corresponding to approximately 2.5%[ (http://#_ftn3)3] (http://#_ftn3) of the total electricity generation of 4,171 TWh3 in the United States. Realfiction estimates that the ECHO technology can reduce the power consumption of displays of the average type televisions by close to 80%. When the average type television uses 150 watt, and studies show that all other functions than the display consumes 50 watt[ (http://#_ftn4)4] (http://#_ftn4), then the estimated reduction adds up to 80 watt per hour resulting in huge savings of approximately USD 7.4bN, 1.34% of the electricity production equivalent of 56 TWh of electricity and 25 million tons of CO2 only in the United States. As a result, ECHO has the potential to significantly reduce the yearly household consumption of energy, thus adding to lower carbon emissions on a global scale and USD savings. These figures are based on what is the current average type television of 55”. In the near future television displays are expected to increase in size[ (http://#_ftn5)5] (http://#_ftn5) which will therefore add further to the potential savings that the ECHO technology can lead to. Time to market adoption With the discovery of the power reduction principle, the ECHO technology is targeted to change the current global display market more rapidly than the original plans with 3D. One possible scenario for fast market adoption could be to license the core technology behind the add-on power reduction to key industry manufacturers of commercial TV displays. Clas Dyrholm, CEO of Realfiction comments “With the global challenges of climate changes in mind and the derivative focus on reducing pollution and energy consumption, I find it strange to see the current markettrend in TV is pointing towards ever larger and brighter screens without anyone really challenging the exponential increase in power consumption. I strongly believe that a lower power consumption will be a more important feature in new consumer electronics. Therefore, I also believe that the potential to adopt this early part of the ECHO technology by commercial display manufacturers is, in fact, present and we look forward to addressing the relevant market stakeholders with our invention in the near future.”