Oil is the most dangerous underlyning : we call it : the wild biest :cheesy:
WHY ? extraordinaer wide volatility and extrem long spikes .....10$ or longer
If someone not know Oil , its not the best to start trading .
I say this to warn everybody , who starts trading , because I have blown 8 demoaccounts
with Oil trading , before I learn what it is .:-0
You need a special Moneymanagment and a lot of money to trade it .
Also the stoplosses were not garanted that is very dangerous .
I got trading experience 6 years now , but I dont trade Oil with real money :whistling
Have seen to many shots and bad spikes also reversals , you never could know .
Its the same with share options they could make huge spikes and then you got a
problem , the Bank will not give you the money back .
On every CFD cover stands the warning : you could lost more than your initial deposit !!
Why they wrote this ??? Because the stoploss is only a nonsense in volatile markets .
Look at price fill of your stoploss : it is not the stop price , believe me I know well .
Better trade Indexes , they got low volatility and small spikes , fills are better .
One thing I heard from JOE ROSS as I ask him , why he trade Commodities :
he say : they got horrible fills .......
( Because he got enough money for that )
have a nice day
There is a vast difference between a casino and trading. I was taken aback by that assertion. I've never traded oil and it made me wonder if it was a different market from all the rest.
I would say, though, that one can gamble in the markets, if he wishes. Like all gamblers, he'll get lucky at times, but in the end he'll lose the lot. It is the nature of the person and if he has that mentality he can't be helped.