Bioprogress have a sound business in place, & prospects have looked good over the past 18months. The stock seems to have gone out of fashion for the time being, after a bit of a boom back in February. I remember buying at 66p, then selling a few days later at 76, very happy with myself. Next day (my birthday), after I'd sold, the stock headed up to 100, 120, within a few weeks I was cursing myself ! hee hee.
For the long term, I would buy the stock now. For the medium term, now is good too. You mentioned "volatility", it sounds like you want a quick profit....I'd place a buy at 61p & sell at 65p.
ps - I can't see this stock coming back into vogue any time soon, unless a piece of "news" crops up. The volatility won't be around for much longer !