Binary Odds VS Fixed Odds

Mr Enzee

Hi there from another Newbie!
Can anyone provide an algorithm to convert Financial Binary Odds (0-100% Buy/Sell) to Decimal Fixed Odds using a spreadsheet? Alternatively, a table showing comparative O-100%
Binary Odds Vs Fixed Odds would be much appreciated!
Mr Enzed :?:
The formula is simply ((100-quote)/quote)+1

So if you put the quote in cell A1 you could enter =SUM((100-A1)/A1)+1 into cell B2

Quote 50 = 2

Quote 33.3 = 3

Quote 66.7 = 1.5
Quote Odds

5 20.00
10 10.00
15 6.67
20 5.00
25 4.00
30 3.33
35 2.86
40 2.50
45 2.22
50 2.00
55 1.82
60 1.67
65 1.54
70 1.43
75 1.33
80 1.25
85 1.18
90 1.11
95 1.05
100 1.00