Bill Barrett


Active member
Has anyone have experience of Bill Barrett's stock info service?

Your thoughts (without being disparaging and coming down on me like a ton of bricks) greatly appreciated.
He appears to know what he is talking about, but then again they all do. Though he does seems to be one of the better ones out of the lot of them. Been thinking about having a look at this live trading room actually. Just to see what he is about.
I think Skim knows a bit about him as well.
If you do decide to take a look let us know how you get on.

I am currently looking at a service that cost more than a couple of hundred dollars a month, because this guy is supposed to be good. Up till now, as far as Iam concerned It's rubbish.

All this is for educational puprposes only you understand. I'm the type of guy, who, if he had the perfect buy/sell system staring at him on the monitor would think it was lying most of the time.

Hold on though. I do have the pefect buy/sell system. It lives just at the back of my eyes.

Seriously, Bill does seem to be one of the better ones.

Good luck.
He appears to know what he is talking about, but then again they all do. Though he does seems to be one of the better ones out of the lot of them. Been thinking about having a look at this live trading room actually. Just to see what he is about.
I think Skim knows a bit about him as well.
If you do decide to take a look let us know how you get on.

I am currently looking at a service that cost more than a couple of hundred dollars a month, because this guy is supposed to be good. Up till now, as far as Iam concerned It's rubbish.

All this is for educational puprposes only you understand. I'm the type of guy, who, if he had the perfect buy/sell system staring at him on the monitor would think it was lying most of the time.

Hold on though. I do have the pefect buy/sell system. It lives just at the back of my eyes.

Seriously, Bill does seem to be one of the better ones.

Good luck.
Bill Barrett is a professional trader with more than 25 years of experience. he stared helping traders in 2001,his courses are simple to understand by new traders.he takes all the unnecessary out of trading. i took his course more than six years ago and have never had a loosing month. i mean hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. i have been trading for over 10 years, i knew how to trade when i took his course and was profitable, since then i have improved 1000 %. It is really sad to see people that call themselves traders, how they talk about him and his system when they do not even know how it works, a real shame. Bill has a system call the KU, for all you guys talking without even knowing, it is a trading system not a blackbox. here is a suggestion gather about ten of your friends and put $20.00 a piece, and pay to see him trade for one full month you will not regreted. This famous sentence among traders, have been inculcated by all other people claiming to be traders and having programs and books to teach you how to trade. LIVE TO TRADE ANOTHER DAY, you most have heard this a thousand times by people teaching how to trade. This is the most unisnpiring failure of a sentence when it comes to trading as i have ever heard. Good luck to you all and do your own investigation, call due diligence.
Bill Barrett is a professional trader with more than 25 years of experience. he stared helping traders in 2001,his courses are simple to understand by new traders.he takes all the unnecessary out of trading. i took his course more than six years ago and have never had a loosing month. i mean hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. i have been trading for over 10 years, i knew how to trade when i took his course and was profitable, since then i have improved 1000 %. It is really sad to see people that call themselves traders, how they talk about him and his system when they do not even know how it works, a real shame. Bill has a system call the KU, for all you guys talking without even knowing, it is a trading system not a blackbox. here is a suggestion gather about ten of your friends and put $20.00 a piece, and pay to see him trade for one full month you will not regreted. This famous sentence among traders, have been inculcated by all other people claiming to be traders and having programs and books to teach you how to trade. LIVE TO TRADE ANOTHER DAY, you most have heard this a thousand times by people teaching how to trade. This is the most unisnpiring failure of a sentence when it comes to trading as i have ever heard. Good luck to you all and do your own investigation, call due diligence.

I dont believe you.
I dont believe you.

nor me,perhaps youd like to call out some trades for us in realtime.
Very interesting that your first post is a defence of a mentor.
If Im wrong and you can trade Ill apologise and donate money to charity