Bet on markets broker?


Hi, i wanted to ask if anyone knows of a reliable broker?

I have tried many brokers of the last few months just trading using there demo accounts,where i seem to most of the time do pretty good.

But as soon as i start trading in a real money account my luck seems to change..

Is it just me,or are most abit dodgy?

Anyone know anything about bet on
Hi, i wanted to ask if anyone knows of a reliable broker?

I have tried many brokers of the last few months just trading using there demo accounts,where i seem to most of the time do pretty good.

But as soon as i start trading in a real money account my luck seems to change..

Is it just me,or are most abit dodgy?

Anyone know anything about bet on

It's probably just you - demo trading doesn't take into account the emotions that are going to work against you in live trading. Trading is technically very easy, psychologically it's very hard.

However, betonmarkets are a bookmaker not a broker, and they won't let you win any decent amount for long - they will change the rules if someone has an effective way to win consistently - I speak from experience.
Firstly, you have to trade futures directly in to the market where the broker just routes your order to the exchange (no price making).

Secondly, Simulated trading doesnt take in to account realistic slippage either. In fairly fast markets oil/ftse/dax/gold/currencies etc (futures) you can probably add about 0.5 to 1 tick extra in costs per trade over what you get on the sim. If youre scalping thats a huge difference.